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Help Souls and Liberty Action Network warn your fellow Catholics and all Americans of goodwill about the clear and present danger Kamala Harris poses to the life of the unborn. A fierce proponent of abortion, Kamala Harris has promoted child-murder her entire career ... but many do not know that she actively prosecuted brave defenders of life using "lawfare," simply because they revealed the truth about late-term abortion, dismemberment of babies, and infanticide.


These simple cards have a QR code on the back which, when snapped with a mobile phone, leads to this webpage which tells the truth about what she did and stands for ... and what a Harris presidency would mean for the country and the world.


Purchase these cards and leave them at restaurants, your parish, hand them out to friends and neighbors. Let people know the reality of Kamala Harris' baby-killing agenda and her zeal to prosecute those who have done nothing more than expose the truth. If she is so eager to promote abortion, why does she use the full weight of the law to keep the reality secret? As Souls and Liberty has reported, Kamala Harris has been soft on true crime, but fiercely vicious toward patriots eager to defend life.


Buy cards today and help push the truth and counteract the Democrats' evil narrative.

"Kamala Harris Exposed" QR Code Cards

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