The soul of a nation is at stake on Nov. 5
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On September 11, 2001, America and all she stands for was attacked, and almost 3,000 people were murdered by al Qaeda terrorists.
Sadly, we are under an even more insidious, diabolical attack from within.
This week’s American Presidential debate showed how evil the press is, and how desperate and effective the Communist Left is. They are united in their efforts to lie, cheat and steal to complete their takeover of what used to be a God-fearing nation.
Kamala Harris is only the current mouthpiece for the forces of evil that are poised to finish the work they have done in the shadows for decades.
There can be no question the United States is in trouble, grave trouble – economic, political, moral.
The scales have more than tipped – they are decidedly weighing to one side now; the result of half a century of Communists hard at work within our own borders.
We have most likely now entered the final battle The Queen of Heaven warned us about at Fatima in 1917: the war against marriage and the family.
However, we can, and we must, meet this test head on.
If America is to survive, and if our children and grandchildren are going to have hope for the future, we must prevail in faith, prayer, duty, honor and – most of all – love.
Souls and Liberty stands ready to fight alongside Americans of good will to defend our nation against all enemies, foreign and domestic, and to uphold the life and legacy of Western civilization and its foundation, the Church. Committed to advancing truth and combatting falsehood, through fervent prayer and hard work (ora et labora) we are devoting ourselves to the preservation of freedom and – above all else – to the salvation of souls.
While deeply informed by our Catholic faith, we understand that many of our fellow countrymen are beginning to realize that our real battle is one between the spiritual forces of Good and Evil. Therefore, Souls and Liberty is rising up to call on Catholics, Protestants, Jews and all men and women of good will who join our effort to save our nation.
The Nov. 5 election is simply the next crucial battle between hope and despair, life and death.
Our mission, while focused on encouraging the faithful, will also call the lost, bind up the broken, welcome with open arms those who repent and lovingly lift high the truth, glory and joy of the Faith to all men and women of goodwill.
All of us at Souls and Liberty are sinners, and all sinners are invited to join us.
Just as we rose together as a nation to fight back after 9/11, we must band together now to stop the destruction of America from the evil within our borders.
Join Souls and Liberty so we can stand with you and thousands of others at this critical hour. We pledge to proclaim the Truth in Love and fight with honor alongside you.
Please consider a gift today to jumpstart our new effort to fight against the spiritual forces of darkness – and for the Kingdom of Light.
Let us help you fight for souls and the Kingdom of God.