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We Are In A Battle

Updated: May 17

There can be no doubt we are in a battle …

… maybe even the Final Battle, of which the Mother of God warned us at Fatima over 100 years ago.

But we did not listen.

The forces of darkness – secularism, licentiousness, Marxism – are advancing across the planet. Throughout the world, it seems as if the forces of good are in daily retreat – faith, family, freedom are all giving ground to the godless armies of the heathens, the communists, the globalists, the atheists.

It may seem as if all is lost. But it is not.

This world still has a few heroes. YOU are the hero this world needs. There can be no doubt this is a war, but as Pope Leo XIII said, “ … Christians are made for combat …”

YOU are the hero this world needs, and you are not alone.

You were made for this battle, and your salvation depends on fighting it, win or lose.

You will not fight against evil alone – you will fight alongside men and women of goodwill who, like you, are devoted to faith, family and freedom; and who see patriotism, piety and perseverance as virtues … not punchlines.

And, Church Militant will be right alongside you … but now as Souls and Liberty.

For nearly two decades, Saint Michael’s Media fought against corruption in the Catholic Church and for holiness in the pews, the culture and beyond. In 2020, faced with the most consequential election in US history to-date, the Texas-based 501(c)(4) Church Militant was founded to work closely with the Michigan-based Saint Michael’s Media 501(c)(3).

Together, we stood face-to-face with communism and atheism in the Church and the culture. We stood face-to-face with evil, and shoulder-to-shoulder with you.

Now we are offering to stand with you again.

In the last four years, the situation has only gotten worse.

To better combat this and work with all people of goodwill, Church Militant is rebranding as Souls and Liberty.

The mission remains the same – to advance the Kingdom of God through the promotion of authentic Christianity, led and guided by orthodox Catholic principles, doctrines and theology.

To this end, Souls and Liberty has launched its first effort – the God and Country newsletter, which will come to your email daily. Articles and videos – some vintage, some current – by several different writers – some familiar to you, some new – will be delivered to you each day.

The battle is for Souls and Liberty. God and Country is where it is fought.

But, we are not content with simple media productions.

We are focused on assisting YOU in undertaking actions to achieve solutions. Conferences, political action, prayer – all of these are the ACTIONS that you will undertake, and we will be there every step of the way to assist you.

There can be no doubt we are in a battle. YOU are the hero this world needs.

Let Souls and Liberty stand with you in this critical hour.

We pledge to proclaim the Truth in Love, and fight with honor alongside you.

God love you,

Mary McCann, President

Souls and Liberty

Please click here to make an online donation. If you prefer to donate by check, kindly make it payable to Church Militant and mail to 1415 S. Voss Rd., Ste 110-553, Houston, TX 77057. Due to IRS regulations, donations to Church Militant, a 501(c)(4), are not normally tax-deductible.

Souls and Liberty is a registered DBA (“doing business as”) of Church Militant, a 501(c)(4) registered in Houston, Texas. Charges for donations will still appear on your credit card statement as “Church Militant” until May 17, 2024, when the charges will then reflect “Souls and Liberty”.

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