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Waking Up To America's Obsession With Destroying the Culture

1 Comment

5 days ago

Life begins at conception; 1st order of business, it can be nothing else but a human being.

Stop preaching 'abortion' and start preaching prevention; it is illegal to take a human life, fact.

There is only one way to become pregnant; male sperm meets female egg, fact.

Every, and I mean every conception is unique, one of a kind miraculous happening, fact.

The 'hoax' of abortion being legal, perfectly 'normal', and the way of the future has to come to an end. It is not a clump cells, it is human life.

73 Million abortions YEARLY; no tryant, government, nor' war has taken that toll on society. And called it 'heathy', morally acceptable, and good for the future and the…

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