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The Usurping of Religion to Advance Global Communism

Souls and Liberty
The Devil's Purse

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As Elon continues to uncover more than a trillion dollars in corruption, fraud, abuse and waste, the role religious groups have played in this is coming more to light.

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Editor's note:


There can be no doubt we have witnessed an extraordinary moment in the history of the United States and the world. The election of Donald Trump to a second Presidential term is a great victory for Christian patriots, but it is not a complete or final victory. Rather, it is a reprieve from the ceaseless assaults on life, liberty and faith we have had to endure for four years.

Donald Trump is president once again, and his decisions, Cabinet selections, and force of personality are shaping the United States and the world in ways we could only dream of.

We have a Heaven-sent opportunity to step up and ensure this victory is not merely a one-off, but the first of many and the foundation of a lasting legacy of patriotic, Christian, pro-family policies.

Souls and Liberty will be part of that effort, but we cannot do it without you. It will require reporting and activism that YOU can be a part of.

Can you step up and support us? Just once – a one-time donation is very valuable. Or, better yet, support us every month with a recurring donation. Thank you, and may God bless you.

Stephen Wynne

Editor-in-Chief, Souls and Liberty

3 comentários

06 de fev.

I believe you may have meant lobbying for hundreds of millions rather than hundreds of billions of dollars. Now the theft of Coastal Caribbean Oils and Minerals was in fact about hundreds of billions of dollars of oil and gas revenue (around a trillion today) from our offshore lease. And if I were a betting man I would say you never heard of it before in any of the papers or typical media sources. And there is a reason for this. The super wealthy with connections do not pay for what they want. It is given to them. There is a reason after the theft of CCO that the United States invaded Iraq and guess who was that same …


05 de fev.

Michael, you seem to be unaware that the US dollar dominates all international trade and its creation is not always a debt that American citizens must repay.

The Federal Reserve Bank (FRB) also directly creates dollars that are not debts for Americans, but that impoverish all the populations of the Earth for the benefit of certain privileged beneficiaries, representing the beloved Beast of the apocalypse.


05 de fev.

Alongside the dismantling of USAID, the CCHD must be spotlighted, discredited, and destroyed....and then prosecuted.

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