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It is the most basic, singular starting point of Christian belief – the Holy Trinity – yet it might be the most misunderstood of all divinely revealed truths. Join Gary Michael Voris as he reflects on the most sublime mystery of the Faith and helps the viewer come to a richer understanding of our eternal destiny.
Dear Michael, your explanation on the Trinity differs from the Creed of saint Athanasius; but that is fine since that Creed is not a dogma. It was developped from the teachings of Origen (neo-platonist).
Nevertheless, your doctrine is still not from the Deposit of the Faith of the Unique God, who is the God and Father of his Only begotten Son.; your doctrine is not mainly a distortion of Scriptures, but mostly vain philosophy (as is the case with most Fathers of the Church after the Nicea council (325).
Before you jump on your horse, let's establish the facts we find in Scriptures and the ones that are not in Scriptures.
You will not find a single scpipture that say…