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The Holy Eucharist: God's Lamb

Updated: Jul 23

Chosen by God, for God

While Christians all over the world celebrate Holy Thursday, few realize the prominence of the day. 

The Son of God, the Incarnate Eternal Logos Himself said to His closest followers, "How I have longed to eat this Passover meal with you".

During His 3-year public ministry, Our Lord and His apostles would have celebrated Passover together in previous years. Why was THIS one so deserving of Jesus' "longing"? What was so special, different from the previous two - which the gospels completely ignore?

THIS Passover meal was to be the culmination of the entire Old Testament, foreshadowed throughout Israel's history. Watch our powerful documentary The Holy Eucharist: God’s Lamb below.

Gary Michael Voris holds a graduate degree, Cum Laude, from the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas in Rome. Voris earned multiple awards for 40+ years of news media experience for writing, producing, and investigative work from the Associated Press, Detroit Press Club, Michigan Broadcasters Association, as well as four news Emmys in multiple categories. He graduated from the University of Notre Dame in 1983 with an undergraduate major in Communications and a minor in History.

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This is the content that I am looking for. Worth the watch on this Good Friday.....


Mar 28

good to see you again. God bless you. There were things in this video that I had not known about before, but I'm sure there are many things unknown to me.


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This was written when the film was made. By the way, where is your forgiveness and mercy towards your brother who has need of your prayers, not your condemnation?


It is so good to hear from you again, Michael; Holy Easter. Finnigan, begin again.

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