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Tech Giants Run Election Interference

Souls and Liberty

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Google has been caught barring access to information about the attempt on Trump's life. For years, Big Tech has worked to hinder his return to the White House.

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For years I have been rejecting anything 'Google-related'; I don't even say. "Google it." I realize that this insidious company has wormed its way into our lives one way or the other, but I actively avoid all things 'Google' as if it were the plague.


You are doing exactly as you were programed; you will find other ways to search and you'll stay with the source that agrees with your views and never the twain shall meet.

Separation is a war strategy; isolation of thoughts, two sides, never debate, never hear 'the other' side; the building block of war.

From differencence of views to stated enemy......We have all fallen for it......Communism is always ushered in on divided's a tactic as old as the hill -literally.

God Help US

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