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Taking Action Against Tyranny

Writer: Stephen WynneStephen Wynne

Updated: Oct 5, 2024

Citizens, lawmakers battle a growing globalist threat

More than four years after COVID sparked an unprecedented assault on freedom worldwide, US patriots are rallying their countrymen to fight a blueprint for future tyranny disguised as pandemic response.

At issue are two international agreements designed to radically empower the World Health Organization (WHO) — the United Nations' global health agency — by strengthening its "authority to declare public health emergencies of international concern," and expanding its "authority over member states during such emergencies."

Both measures, opponents say, would subvert US sovereignty and thoroughly undermine civil liberties, if implemented.

Freedom in the Crosshairs

"The two proposed instruments would transform the WHO from an advisory, charitable organization into the world's governor of public health," foes are warning.

While the global body "currently lacks authority to enforce its recommendations," proposed amendments to its International Health Regulations (IHR), as well as a pending global pandemic treaty, would inexorably change this.

These "reforms," opponents observe, would empower WHO officials to unilaterally declare a "public health emergency of international concern" (PHEIC) in "one or more member states." But under the proposed regime, they note, it would not take a COVID-level crisis to activate a PHEIC pronouncement:

"Such declarations can include perceived or potential emergencies other than pandemics, including climate change, immigration, gun violence, or even 'emergencies' involving plants, animals, or ecosystems. The more egregious versions of the proposals would authorize the Director-General to dictate what must be done in response to a declared PHEIC. In other words, America's elected representatives would no longer set the nation's public health policies. Even watered down, these proposals would inappropriately cede American sovereignty to the WHO."

Dissenters warn that together, the proposed IHR amendments and the pandemic accord "would lay the groundwork for a global surveillance infrastructure, ostensibly in the interest of public health, but with the inherent opportunity for control (as with Communist China's 'social credit system')."

The current draft of the pandemic treaty, they note, requires signatories to "cooperate, in accordance with national law, in preventing misinformation and disinformation" — a "particularly dangerous" provision, in view of the fact that the Biden administration "pressured and encouraged social media companies to suppress free speech during COVID-19."

Protesting Pandemic Overreach

To combat such encroachment, opponents of WHO empowerment are beginning to organize. In New York, for example, a burgeoning citizen's group gathered at the United Nations complex in Manhattan on Saturday to highlight the weaponization of global health policy.

The Sovereignty Coalition describes itself as "a non-partisan group of patriotic, public policy-minded leaders, organizations and individuals who share a profound commitment to the U.S. Constitution and the God-given freedoms it guarantees." Members say they "are determined to protect these foundations of our Republic by defending our national sovereignty against all enemies, foreign and domestic."

Souls and Liberty Action Network Director, Debra Tvrdik attended the Coalition's rally on Saturday. During the event, Tvrdik met with Reggie Littlejohn, Esq. — co-founder of the Sovereignty Coalition and founder and president of Anti-Globalist International — to discuss the looming battle.

Littlejohn, a Catholic, began by greeting her brothers and sisters in the Faith: "I want to say 'Hello!' to my fellow Catholic brothers and sisters," she said, smiling. "June is the month of the adoration of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and it couldn't come at a better time."

Turning to the Sovereignty Coalition demonstration, she explained: "This is a rally to stop the World Health Organization's globalist power-grab."

If the two measures to empower the WHO pass, Littlejohn warned, "it's going to establish a bio-tech surveillance police state — globally — similar to China's social credit system. And this is going to be effectuated through digital IDs."

"The pretext for the digital ID," she continued, "is ... in any coming pandemic, we need to know who's vaccinated and who's not, we need to know who's getting sick and who's not. ... They're going to be an instrument of complete surveillance and totalitarian control."

Littlejohn outlined a chilling scenario — one that seemed to echo the darkest passages of the Book of Revelation:

"You will need to have a digital ID, if these people get their way, in order to buy and sell; to have a bank account; to operate your credit card; to travel; to vote; to collect government benefits; to pay your taxes.
If you refuse to have this digital ID, or if you're not in good standing — for example, let's say that you refuse to be vaccinated or to get the latest booster — they can shut you off through your credit cards and your bank accounts, just like they did to the Canadian truckers and to the people who supported them. So you think this can't be done? It already has been done, in North America — in Canada."

"The good news is that the negotiations stalled," Littlejohn noted. "The bad news is the reason that they stalled had nothing to do with digital IDs. The reason the negotiations fell apart is because the developing countries basically want more money from the wealthier nations."

Incredibly, said Littlejohn, "No one's disagreeing about this digital ID, which will put us into a digital gulag."

"Once this digital ID happens," she reiterated, "there will be no more dissent. If you try to dissent, they will shut you off of social media, and then they could eventually shut you off of your credit card and your bank account or, like they do in China, they could even 'disappear' you. ... That's the ultimate goal — it's complete control."

Littlejohn told Tvrdik that she was heading to Geneva shortly to act as an observer at the WHO's May 27-June 1 World Health Assembly. "I'm going to be on the ground, and I'm going to be opposing this, because these guys are sneaky; they could try to sneak it through some other way. I'm going to try to make sure that that doesn't happen, but we need to stay vigilant."

Prior to its rally at the United Nations, the Sovereignty Coalition convened a "Sovereignty Summit" to address the threats posed by WHO empowerment.

Held at the US Capitol Visitors Center, the May 23 event featured domestic and international lawmakers speaking out against efforts to submit nations to "global governance" and "supranational medical tyranny."

The theme of the summit was "Not Now," which organizers described as "the proposition that these treaties are not ready for prime-time and must not be considered, let alone approved," during the upcoming World Health Assembly.

Participants included US Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI), US Rep. Chris Smith (R-NJ), US Rep. Ralph Norman (R-SC), US Rep. Bob Good (R-VA), former US Rep. Michele Bachman (R-FL), as well as lawmakers from Canada, Britain, Australia, the Netherlands, Italy, Portugal, Poland, Hungary, Romania, Estonia, India, the Philippines and Uganda.

In the lead-up to the summit, Sovereignty Coalition co-founder Frank Gaffney explained:

"Unbeknownst to practically anyone in this country and most others around the world, the Biden administration — in collusion with the Chinese Communist Party, the World Economic Forum, the European Union, Bill Gates and Big Pharma — is intent on getting the United States and others bound to the supremacy of the unaccountable leader of the WHO on any matter he deems to involve 'public health.'"

Senators Sound the Alarm

The Sovereignty Coalition is not alone in its fight to keep America free of globalist control. Earlier this month, concerned government officials began flooding the White House with appeals to President Joe Biden to reject signing on to the WHO empowerment agreements.

On May 1, for example, 49 US senators sent a letter to Biden, urging the president to halt his support of the measures:

"The WHO's failure during the COVID-19 pandemic was as total as it was predictable and did lasting harm to our country. The United States cannot afford to ignore this latest WHO inability to perform its most basic function and must insist on comprehensive WHO reform before even considering amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR) or any new pandemic related treaty that would increase WHO authority. We are deeply concerned that your administration continues to support these initiatives and strongly urge you to change course."

The senators went on to dissect the ominous ramifications of the two proposals.

"Article 55 of the IHR," they pointed out, "requires the text of any IHR amendment to be communicated to member states at least four months before the WHA [World Health Assembly] at which they are to be considered." Yet, the lawmakers noted, "WHO has still not provided final amendment text to member states."

"Some of the over 300 proposals for amendments made by member states would substantially increase the WHO's health emergency powers and constitute intolerable infringements upon U.S. sovereignty," they warned. "As such, it was essential that the WHO abide by the four-month notice period to allow member states time to ensure that no traces of such proposals were included in a final amendment package for consideration .... Having failed to do so, amendments are not in order."

Likewise, senators declared, "the WHO's most recent publicly available draft of its new pandemic response treaty is dead on arrival."

"Instead of addressing the WHO's well-documented shortcomings, the treaty focuses on mandate resource and technology transfers, shredding intellectual property rights, infringing free speech, and supercharging the WHO. Moving forward with a new pandemic preparedness and response treaty ignores the fact that we are still unsure of COVID-19's origins because Beijing continues to block a legitimate independent investigation."

Enforcers Echo Concerns

Less than a week after the senators submitted their letter to Biden, 22 state attorneys general followed suit, demanding that the commander-in-chief cease his support of WHO empowerment.

Noting that the WHO "failed to hold the Chinese Communist Party accountable for its lies and deceptions during the pandemic," they declared in a May 8 letter to the president:

"As the chief legal officers of our States, we oppose two instruments under negotiation that could give the World Health Organization (WHO) unprecedented and unconstitutional powers over the United States and her people.
To varying degrees, these measures would threaten national sovereignty, undermine states' authority, and imperil constitutionally guaranteed freedoms. Ultimately, the goal of these instruments isn't to protect public health. It's to cede authority to the WHO — specifically its Director-General — to restrict our citizens' rights to freedom of speech, privacy, movement (especially travel across borders) and informed consent."

"The COVID-19 pandemic exposed fundamental flaws with the WHO and other public health institutions," they continued. "The proposed measures, however, would only exacerbate the WHO's underlying problems and enable more civil liberties violations during future 'emergencies.'"

"Accordingly," the attorneys general vowed, "we will resist any attempt to enable the WHO to directly or indirectly set public policy for our citizens."

Stalled, Not Sunk

Lovers of liberty received a bit of good news on May 24, when WHO authorities announced that deliberations over the pandemic treaty had reached an impasse, with reports suggesting that negotiations are deadlocked over issues of information- and technology-sharing.

However, it is clear from statements by top WHO officials that the reprieve is only temporary, and that they will not slacken the push to expand their power.

Commenting on the setback last Friday, WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus insisted:

"This is not a failure. We will try everything — believing that anything is possible — and make this happen because the world still needs a pandemic treaty. Because many of the challenges that caused a serious impact during COVID-19 still exist."

What's more, while the pandemic treaty may be stalled, the proposed IHR amendments are reportedly still alive, with a vigorous international lobby — which includes Biden administration officials — pushing for their adoption by the close of the WHO's annual assembly on Saturday.

'Empower ... Enable ... Equip'

The 77th meeting of the World Health Assembly — the WHO's decision-making forum — got underway in Geneva, Switzerland, on Monday. The theme of the May 27-June 1 conference is "All for Health, Health for All."

In his opening address to the assembly, Director-General Tedros noted that WHO's constitution recognizes that "unequal development in promoting health and controlling diseases is a common danger."

"That," he noted, "is what the COVID-19 pandemic illustrated so brutally."

"Of course, we all wish that we had been able to reach consensus on the Agreement in time for this Health Assembly and cross the finish line. But I remain confident that you still will, because where there is a will, there is a way. I know that there remains among you a common will to get this done. So there must always be a way. It is now for this World Health Assembly to decide what that way is. The solution is in your hands."

Tedros recited a litany of globalist themes to reinforce his case.

"The threat of future pandemics is just one threat among many," he told attendees. "Our world is facing so many other challenges: Conflict and insecurity in Gaza, Haiti, Sudan and Ukraine; climate change, displacement, poverty, inequality and polarization ... children dying because they miss out on vaccines ...."

Strengthening the WHO's International Health Regulations, Tedros declared, is an essential component of achieving Agenda 2030, the United Nations' self-described "roadmap for ending poverty, protecting the planet and tackling inequalities."

"Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, the world was off-track for the health-related targets in the Sustainable Development Goals," he warned. "Now we're even further behind."

"Between now and 2030, we must do all we can to get as far as we can towards the Sustainable Development Goals. This week, you will consider — and hopefully adopt ... our collective strategy to accelerate progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals, enhance equity and build resilience. ... If we are to achieve that mission, WHO must be empowered and equipped ... I ask you to empower it, enable it and equip it to play that role."

Take Action — American Sovereignty Declaration

The Sovereignty Coalition notes that to spare itself subjugation to the WHO, the United States must "withdraw from the World Health Organization before such new arrangements are formally adopted."

"To that end," coalition members are requesting that Americans "write your congressional representatives urging that they press Speaker Mike Johnson to cut off U.S. funding for the WHO as a necessary first step towards America fully exiting from the organization at the earliest possible time."

Citizens wary of the WHO's threat to sovereignty and civil liberties can voice their concerns to their senators and congressional representatives by signing the Coalition's, American Sovereignty Declaration, which is available here.

Take Action — Anti-Globalist International Manifesto

Likewise, Littlejohn is urging citizens to stay informed on this and other pressing civil liberties issues by visiting Anti-Globalist International's website at, where they can sign the organization's Manifesto to receive updates regarding the encroachment of globalism.

"The Manifesto is against globalism — not just the World Health Organization, but also the United Nations, the World Economic Forum, and all the rest of it," Littlejohn told Souls and Liberty. "What that will do is ... put you on my newsletter — you will be getting updates about what's happening in the world and what you can do about it."

To sign the Anti-Globalist International Manifesto, click here.

Writer, editor and producer Stephen Wynne has spent the past seven years covering, from a Catholic perspective, the latest developments in the Church, the nation and the world. Prior to his work in journalism, he spent eight years co-authoring “Repairing the Breach,” a book examining the war of worldviews between Christianity and Darwinism. A Show-Me State native, he holds a BA in Creative Writing from Pepperdine University and an Executive MBA from the Bloch School of Business at the University of Missouri-Kansas City.

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1 коментар

29 трав. 2024 р.

The UN (and it's spawn, the WHO); You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.

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