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'Swamp the Vote'

Updated: Jul 17

Trump urges patriots to learn from the Left

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President Donald Trump is asking his supporters, and all patriots, to take a page out of the Democrats' playbook and vote early.

The widespread election fraud, last-minute and unconstitutional changes to rules, and mass absentee voting in the 2020 election thrust "Good Ol' Joe" into the White House and set the stage for the rabid lawfare practiced against former President Trump. Now, the GOP is fighting back … and is using the Democrats' weapons.

The Trump campaign recently launched what it's calling the Swamp the Vote effort, encouraging faithful citizens to vote early or submit an absentee ballot, as well as ensuring registration status and, of course, encouraging others of goodwill to vote, as well. 

While it may seem counterintuitive to pursue the tactics of the Left, the results — an addled President installed in Washington who is pushing socialist policies from the White House — speak for themselves. In addition, there are a number of significant benefits for the campaign, the country, and you.

First, the GOP will know who it needs to target and encourage to vote, saving millions of dollars of campaign funds. The Democrats receive "gifts in kind" from the compliant media, academia and Hollywood — it's time we did the same!

If you vote early, you are available to volunteer as a poll watcher or challenger. You can help voters get to the polls, or just watch the election process. You cannot do these things if you still have to cast your ballot on Election Day — and America needs patriots to observe and guard the vote, and stop any potential steal.

And, of course, if you vote early no one can vote on your behalf, taking advantage of lax voter ID laws.

In addition, you will stop getting mail from politicians — let's be honest, we all want to vote, but we get fed up with the mail and the phone calls and the door knocks. If you vote early, all that stops; and you can go about your day knowing you've done your civic duty.

As soon as you bring your ballot to the clerk's office — which is what you should do, not drop it off at an insecure ballot drop box! — your name is registered within 24 hours.

Here is a short list of what you need to do:

  1. Visit our Souls and Liberty Action Network webpage, and click on your state to determine the date Early Voting starts in your state (you will also be able to see a Sample Ballot, provided by Ballotpedia.)

  2. Study the candidates and any proposals on which you can vote. In many cases, ballot proposals are written to be intentionally confusing — you will need to do some homework!

  3. Get informed so you can speak to others, and get them to do the same. Build a genuine grassroots movement in your local community.

  4. Go to your City Clerk's office. Get your ballot (if it wasn't mailed to you), vote and hand it back to the clerk. Use True The Vote to verify your ballot after the election.

  5. Sign up to be a poll worker/poll challenger, and help protect your vote.

The goal of Swamp the Vote is to win by more than "the margin of fraud" — making the victory for the forces of goodwill so large that no cheating can overcome it. By "swamping" the vote, it is hoped the Washington swamp can be drained and all the alligators sent packing.

For more information on voting, participating in the electoral process, how to become a poll worker or watcher, or assist in other ways, reach out to Debra Tvrdik to join the Souls and Liberty Action Network.

Please join us in praying and fighting for Souls and Liberty; as well as, consider making a donation to support our work.

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Jul 17

What if demonrats will use votes of 20 million illegal immigrants? That is the only hindrance of Trumps victory. 🤔😬😈


If I have learned one thing over the last 4 nightmarish years since Biden's treasonous installation, it is that I will never, to best of my ability, knowlingly or willingly go against the will of God or God's laws ever again. This chatisement we're going through has had an impact on me. Therefore, although I believe Donald Trump is the best pick for POTUS, I will refrain from voting for him because he is not pro-life. At 56 years old, I will not compromise on moral issues ever again. If everyone had done what was right from the outset of this moral onslaught decades ago, we might not be on the brink of total collapse as a nation. God ha…

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