Italian bishops fund leftist-supporting illegal migrant ship with pope's blessing
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Pope Francis has declared opposition to migrants as a "grave sin" and called for a "global governance of migration," even as Italy's bishops have begun financing a ship ferrying illegal immigrants in the Mediterranean.
"It must be said clearly: there are those who work systematically and with every means possible to repel migrants. And this, when done with awareness and responsibility, is a grave sin," Francis announced in his General Audience on Wednesday.
The pontiff warned that "restrictive laws" and the "militarization of borders" would not help curb the tidal wave of illegal immigrants, who are predominantly Muslim men of military age flooding into Europe from Africa and Asia.
Francis called for "extending safe and legal access routes for migrants, providing refuge for those who flee from war, violence, persecution and various disasters" and "promoting in every way a global governance of migration based on justice, fraternity and solidarity."
According to the Canon 916 of the Code of Canon Law, a "grave sin" would prohibit a Catholic committing the sin from receiving Holy Communion unless the person received absolution after confessing his sin to a priest.
In his address, the pope commended Mediterranea Saving Humans, a controversial outfit, which changed its status from a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) to a Social Promotion Association (APS), following Italy's criminalization of NGOs assisting illegal migration.
"These courageous men and women are a sign of a humanity that does not allow itself to be contaminated by the malign culture of indifference and rejection," Francis maintained, praising the founder of MSH, Luca Casarini, Italy's most notorious open border activist.
The Italian Episcopal Conference (CEI)'s Episcopal Commission for Migration, which runs the Migrantes Foundation – an organization established "to promote the religious life of migrants, especially Catholics" – is now actively collaborating with MSH in bringing illegal migrants to Italy's shores.
On Aug. 24-25, the sailing boat Migrantes, funded by the Migrantes Foundation, ferried 182 illegal migrants in three operations in the stretch of sea between Sicily and North Africa, assisting the MSH ship Mare Jonio in providing the sea taxi-service.
Archbishop of Ferrara-Comacchio, Gian Carlo Perego, who is president of the Migrantes Foundation, said that the mission was following the "law of the sea," which is to "rescue and not reject or abandon."
"Only after rescue and reception can a path to return home or to safeguard and protect migrants be evaluated," the archbishop told the CEI news media Avvenire.
Migrantes' maiden mission was marked by a message from Pope Francis, written on a piece of paper and sent to the crew by Fr. Mattia Ferrari, a priest who has been collaborating with MSH for years.
"Dear brothers, I wish you the best and I send my blessing to the crew of Mediterranea Saving Humans and to Migrantes. I pray for you. Thank you so much for your testimony. May the Lord bless you and the Madonna keep you," Francis wrote.
Columnist and author Rod Dreher slammed Francis' comments on X, remarking: "If you try to stop your country from being invaded by illegal migrants, you are at risk of Hell."
"The CEI should be clear with the faithful and tell them how many migrants it intends to host in the Vatican," Italian parliamentarian Igor Il, group leader in the Constitutional Affairs Committee and a member of the right-wing populist Lega Party, retorted.
"Constructive criticism is always appreciated, so we are certain that the bishops will be able to propose concrete solutions."
Pope Francis' declaration and the Italian bishops' historic intervention in providing a ferry service for migrants has put the Vatican and Italy's Catholic Church on a collision course with the Italian government headed by prime minister Giorgia Meloni.
Earlier in the week, the Italian government impounded the Geo Barents, a ship ferrying illegal migrants run by the NGO Médecins Sans Frontières. This is the 23rd ship seized by Meloni's government, as Italy steps up its clampdown on human trafficking across the Mediterranean.
The left-wing NGO accused Meloni's administration of an "arbitrary and inhumane decision" after its ship was detained in the port of Salerno, near Naples. It insisted it had "no choice" but to carry out the rescue.
Francis, a longtime friend and supporter of the open-borders activist Casarini, was accused of "detesting Italy, Italians and Catholics" after he penned a handwritten letter to Casarini on Good Friday 2020, assuring him that "I am always available to help."
In his epistle to the ultra-left militant Casarini, the pontiff wrote: "I am close to you and your companions. Thanks for all you do."
Casarini, known for his anarchist sympathies, lost no time in bragging to the media. "Pope Bergoglio replied to my letter, he is one of ours," he told Italian newspaper La Repubblica.
On Easter Sunday, Francis wrote a second and longer letter addressed "To the brothers and sisters of popular movements and organizations," which was posted on the website of Mediterranea Saving Humans.

"I hope this moment of danger [the pandemic] makes us take back control of our life, shake our sleeping consciences and produce a human and ecological conversion that puts an end to the idolatry of money and puts dignity and life at the center," Francis wrote.
The pope hailed the the vocation of the activist groups in their struggle against "our civilization, so competitive and individualistic, with its frenetic rhythms of production and consumption, its excessive luxuries and the huge profits for the few."
"You are the indispensable builders of this now imperative change; but above all you have an authoritative voice to testify that this is possible," he stressed.
In September 2023, Francis invited Casarini, a baptized-Catholic-turned-atheist, to be a guest participant at the Synod on Synodality.
In 2001, Casarini led the Tute Bianche (White Overalls) movement – a "militant leftist band" – in violent protests at the G8 meeting in Genoa.
However, Casarini claims that it was the paramilitary police who first "charged violently" and so "we fought back and I stand by our response as a political fact." Following the event, Casarini was charged with conspiracy against the Italian State in the Court of Assizes of Cosenza.
Activists in Tute Bianche covered their bodies with white padding to resist the blows of police, to push through police lines, and to march together in large blocks for mutual protection during demonstrations.
The movement's philosophy was based on an ideological reading of Italian political history, including the idea that traditional protests had outlived their usefulness, and a more confrontational, militant form of nonviolent protest was required to not only re-invigorate the anti-globalization movement, but to redefine street resistance.
The movement changed its name to Disobbedienti (Disobedient) with Casarini as leader, going on to protest against temporary employment agencies, temporary-stay centers, the European Constitution, the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, numerous international summits, high-speed trains and construction of the US base in Vicenza.
Editor's note: Feeling under sieged? This is no finer time to be a Catholic. Click here to learn more.
Dr. Jules Gomes, (BA, BD, MTh, PhD), has a doctorate in biblical studies from the University of Cambridge. Currently a Vatican-accredited journalist based in Rome, he is the author of five books and several academic articles. Gomes lectured at Catholic and Protestant seminaries and universities and was canon theologian and artistic director at Liverpool Cathedral.
Earth to Francis... Earth to Francis.... Do you have a clue?
ONLY systematic thing is a systematic organized mass immigration to only white countries.🤔😬😈
----Francis called for "extending safe and legal access routes for migrants, providing refuge for those who flee from war, violence, persecution and various disasters"----
When I see that endless horde of migrants freely walking through the Vatican wall, I might then give weight to Pope Francis' words on this subject. What I do see today, is the great majority of these types being individuals; military-aged men who should be defending their own homelands rather than "fleeing" without bringing their families to safety.
In short, I'm not buying what Francis is selling.