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Political Chaos

Souls and Liberty

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Aug 21, 2024

Harris is a joke. She is a Marxists and even 'quotes' material from "The Communist Agenda." Her Jamacian father was a Marxist, her mother I think Irish, not Black. So she's sorta 'a black woman', but really not so much. Walz is over-the-top Marxist, and is as much a friend to the CCP as Biden, but his advantage is that he speaks Madrian. They are all liars and have come to kill, steal and destroy. Gary Michael Vioris good to see you back.


Jul 24, 2024

Please change your name to "Republicans InDepth" since that is obviously who you are shilling for with this lame video.

Hey Jim Ellis, what is, Specifically, the "Republican Message" that you speak of?

Please explain. "Mark America Great Again" is not a message, it's slogan.

As far as "Wealth, Border situation, and personal safety when it relates to crime" the Republicans are no better than the Democrats.

The border was open the entire Four Years of Trump's Presidency and the ANTIFA/BLM riots lasted Months, causing Billions of Dollars of damage and assaults and murders while Trump did Nothing.

Then Jim Ellis talks about "identity politics" of the Democrats when we saw the Republican convention roll out, Jews, Hispanics, Blacks, Homosexuals…

Aug 21, 2024
Replying to

Take a deep beath jerryarnold69. I hope since this was issued Jul 2023, you have. had a chance to come to the truth. It's not that difficult: demoncrats=communism=slavery, forced abortions, government, owning all money, government replacing God. Or Republicans =freedom (from government totaltarianism) freedom of religion, freedom from infanticide (Trump has been the most family friendly, and he will be once again when he is relegated with authority to stop governmemnt/tax-payers being used to fund Planned Parenthood to commit murder). Unless you kinda favor the lgbtq+ of children being mutilated and de-gendered, post 9-month abortions. and the government being sole determination of your economic needs, housing, etc.


Jul 23, 2024

Great discussion; good perspectives. Good to see MV back; more please.

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