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No More Brother Wars

Writer: Arthur ClerouxArthur Cleroux
With the end of the war in Ukraine nearing, Christians killing Christians must never again be allowed to happen

Two soldiers kneel opposite each other, hands extended, with a glowing cross between them. The setting is a battlefield with smoke in the background.

In the grand chessboard of geopolitics, few conflicts have been as tragic and unnecessary as the war in Ukraine. John Mearsheimer, a leading professor of international relations and geopolitical realist, has long argued that this war was provoked by the West, particularly through NATO expansion and Washington's reckless disregard for Russia's red lines. Mearsheimer argues that the war was not an unprovoked act of Russian aggression, as media in the West claims, but rather the predictable consequence of years of reckless policies that ignored Moscow's core security interests.

At the heart of Mearsheimer's argument is the idea that great powers react aggressively when their security is threatened – a foundational concept in realism (a school of thought in the academic field of International Relations). For Russia, NATO expansion into Ukraine, beginning in 2014, was an existential threat, and the United States ignored multiple warnings from Moscow that this would lead to war.

Mearsheimer makes it clear that Washington's foreign policy elite – the same neoconservative and neoliberal interventionist figures who led the wars in Iraq, Libya and Syria – wanted this war. Not because they cared about Ukraine, but because they saw it as an opportunity to weaken Russia.

Col. Douglas Macgregor has echoed this point, stating that the war was never about "defending democracy," but about using Ukraine as a battering ram against Moscow. The war has devastated Ukraine, but the US has refused to push for peace; instead ensuring that the conflict drags on with endless arms shipments.

Macgregor points out that Ukraine was set up as a sacrificial pawn – lured into a war it could never win, for the benefit of an American foreign policy elite with no real concern for the lives lost.

But there is a deeper, more sinister dimension to this war – one that extends beyond power politics and into the realm of spiritual and cultural destruction. The conflict in Ukraine is not just a geopolitical blunder; it is a deliberate effort to incite a fratricidal war between Orthodox Christian nations, fueled by those who despise Christianity itself.

Their goal is simple: weaken Russia at any cost. If that means sacrificing hundreds of thousands of Orthodox Christian lives, so be it.

When we consider who were the masterminds of this war, looking back to when the provocation and build up to war began, in 2014, we see the usual suspects: the Obama State Department, former Secretary of State John Kerry, his predecessor Hillary Clinton, and a deep state filled to the brim with anti-Christian globalists.


Mearsheimer has been clear: the West, led by the United States and the United Kingdom, systematically pushed Ukraine into confrontation with Russia. The 2014 Maidan coup, orchestrated with significant US involvement, overthrew a democratically elected government and installed a regime hostile to Moscow. NATO's continued expansion – despite explicit warnings from Russia – left no room for diplomacy.

Even before the 2022 invasion, Washington signaled that it would back Ukraine's war effort, but would not fight for it; giving Kyiv just enough support to believe it could stand against Moscow, but not enough to actually win. The result? A bloodbath in the Donbas, a region with deep historical and ethnic ties to Russia, where thousands of Orthodox Christians have perished in a senseless war.

Macgregor has pointed out that the US military-industrial complex benefits immensely from this bloodshed. American elites are willing to fight Russia "to the last Ukrainian," sacrificing lives for an abstract crusade against Moscow while ensuring endless weapons contracts for Lockheed Martin and Raytheon. But there is another, more perverse, motivation at play – one that is rarely acknowledged in mainstream discourse.


Why would the United States provoke a war that pits Orthodox Christians against each other? To answer this, one must examine the ideological and cultural hostility that many Western elites harbor toward Christianity.

Some examples of this in Europe are the anti-Christian laws pushed in many European countries against the public expression of traditional Christian views on marriage, gender or sexuality. For example, in Finland, Päivi Räsänen, a Christian member of Parliament, was put on trial for tweeting Bible verses.

In the US, the Obama and Biden administrations targeting of traditional Christian groups is well known. For example, the FBI's labeling of traditional Catholics as "radical extremists," as revealed in early 2023. The anti-Christian bias has grown to such a degree, that the incoming Trump administration has specific legislation aimed at removing it from government.

Col. Macgregor has articulated views suggesting that the conflict in Ukraine serves the interests of globalist elites aiming to weaken and divide Orthodox Christian nations. He posits that these elites, who promote secularism and radical social policies, perceive Russia's national identity and Orthodox Christianity as obstacles to their agenda. Macgregor argues that by instigating conflict between Orthodox Slavic peoples, such as Russians and Ukrainians, these forces seek to undermine Christian unity and advance their globalist objectives.

Under the guise of "promoting democracy," the US, UK and EU backed Ukrainian governments that have suppressed the Orthodox Church, banned opposition parties, and actively pushed Western secularism into Eastern Europe. The goal is clear: weaken Russia by turning its Orthodox brethren against it, ensuring that the last strongholds of traditional Christianity are engulfed in war and chaos.


Those who do not closely follow geopolitics may not be aware, but in 2022 there were only two nations in Europe with the population and capacity to wage a protracted war. Those nations were Catholic Poland and Orthodox Ukraine. The rest of Europe, due to dwindling populations and rampant Islamic, African and Middle Eastern immigration issues, are seeing rapidly disintegrating quality of life, as well as ability to effectively wage war.

It is no coincidence that NATO and the EU which, under the Obama and Biden administrations, are the ones fueling this war. The same forces that promoted radical secularism, gender ideology, and moral decay in the West, the very decay that has broken their strength, used the people of Ukraine as tools for their globalist aims.

Orthodox Christians – Ukrainians and Russians alike – have been killing each other in the tens of thousands. This is not a battle for sovereignty or democracy; it is a manipulated conflict designed to weaken and divide.


The war in Ukraine must be seen for what it truly is: a fratricidal conflict engineered by those who despise Christianity and seek to eradicate any remaining resistance to globalist hegemony. Christians must reject this deception and refuse to be pawns in this war, or any future wars designed to destroy them.

John Mearsheimer and Col. Douglas Macgregor have exposed the geopolitical manipulation behind this tragedy, but the spiritual battle is just as important. As long as Christians fight and kill each other, the true enemies of faith and civilization win.

It is time to reject this madness. No more brother wars.

Arthur is a former editor and consultant. Born in India to missionary parents, he spent his early career working in development for NGOs in Asia, Central America, and Africa.

Arthur has an educational background in history and psychology, with certifications from the University of Oxford and Leiden in the economics, politics, and ethics of mass migration and comparative theories in terrorism and counterterrorism. He is currently launching CivWest, a company focused on building capital to fund restorative projects and create resilient systems across the Western world.


There can be no doubt we have witnessed an extraordinary moment in the history of the United States and the world. The election of Donald Trump to a second Presidential term is a great victory for Christian patriots, but it is not a complete or final victory. Rather, it is a reprieve from the ceaseless assaults on life, liberty and faith we have had to endure for four years.

Donald Trump is president once again, and his decisions, Cabinet selections, and force of personality are shaping the United States and the world in ways we could only dream of.

We have a Heaven-sent opportunity to step up and ensure this victory is not merely a one-off, but the first of many and the foundation of a lasting legacy of patriotic, Christian, pro-family policies.

Souls and Liberty will be part of that effort, but we cannot do it without you. It will require reporting and activism that YOU can be a part of.

Can you step up and support us? Just once – a one-time donation is very valuable. Or, better yet, support us every month with a recurring donation. Thank you, and may God bless you.

Stephen Wynne

Editor-in-Chief, Souls and Liberty

1 comentario

Mind blown. Thank you, Arthur, for this perspective.

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