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Media Lying for Kamala Harris and Destroying the Country

Souls and Liberty
Harris is not "Black"

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The media are lying about and covering up for Kamala Harris – from her past, to her policies, to her ethnicity.

Kamala Harris represents the most extreme left wing of a Democrat party already captured by anti-Christian, Marxist elements. Throughout the run-up to the election, Souls and Liberty will be sounding the warning against her candidacy and arming YOU with the information you need to take action in the public square to stop the takeover of our republic, and even Western Civilization. Please donate TODAY to support us and allow us to continue bringing you this content.

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Aug 06, 2024

Does her slogan include a child in the womb which can be a child of a country rooted in authentic orthodox Christian values? Or is it a throw away thing, good enough for now until needing a new slogan to whitewash over that sordid past? I did not hear whether she intends to unburden Mr. David Daleidon from the charges as Attorney General of California she and her cohorts made against him for exposing The Eugenics Society (a.k.a. Planned Parenthood) for its heinous crimes of murdered baby body parts trafficking. That "unburdening" would include, I would presume, paying the Thomas More Society and refunding those contributors who made donations in David's case which purportedly amounted to millions of dollars. …


Yvonne Balcer
Yvonne Balcer
Aug 05, 2024

Kamala is a child of divorce and was raised by her Indian mother, so of course, she feels Indian. On top of that, she was basically raised in Canada when her mother moved to Canada after the divorce.

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