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Aug 24, 2024

Censorship is keeping anti abortion proponnents from voicing their views; every media except GAB censors anti abortion discqus account has even deleted the deleted comments that had 'red' warnings.

I call abortion 'taking the breath away from a baby', 'taking the life away from a human being'

and last 'killing a human being'. ALL censored.

Blaming the women for being the sole responsible beings taking another human being's life ........

73 Million abortions yearly......

These comment ALL get censored!

You can be anti abortion just don't mention hurts feelings.

When life at conception is recognized, verified, and legally protected, only then can you call abortion illegal, murder, and criminal. Until then it is only 'assumed' unlawful and hurt…


Maris Bentley
Maris Bentley
Aug 24, 2024

Nebraska does have an alternative measure on the ballot in November for voters so we can keep the abortion steamroller from claiming another victory in our state.

Thousands of us pro-lifers worked to gather signatures to get it on the ballot.

“One proposal would constitutionally enshrine the state’s current pro-life protections, and the other would enshrine a constitutional “right” to abortion — a proposal also on the ballot in several other states.”


Aug 23, 2024

The Uniparty Nazi Demon Worshiping Pedophiles are enough to make a Saint GAG and most here are no saints. 🤢🤢🤮🤮😝

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