Harris suffers blowback from rebuffs of Catholics and other Christians
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The last week has been bad news for Kamala Harris, with one political blunder following another, and her campaign staff scrambling to undo the damage.
The missteps have been so bad that one pundit suggested, "Harris is basically campaigning for President Trump."
Take, for example, her stepping into the muck last Thursday during a rally at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse campus.
While Harris was touting her support of abortion – her key campaign issue – two students shouted "Christ is King" and "Jesus is Lord."
Harris went off script – "in the worst way possible" one pundit noted – quipping, "Oh you guys are at the wrong rally" followed by "I think you meant to go to the smaller one down the street" (in a mocking reference to president Trump).
The protestors were then unceremoniously kicked out of the rally at Harris' behest.
Video of the event shows Harris looking pleased with her one-two jab at the protestors, but social media users lambasted her, setting the platforms on fire:
"I don't believe that is a statement she will never be able to take back. She will never be able to unify this country bc of that one statement. Christians can be forgiving, but when you basically have said they aren't welcome at a rally, then that will translate to a message that she feels they are not welcome in this country if she gets elected president," said one.
"Kamala hates Christians," tech titan Elon Musk noted in a post on X.
"That statement was worse than the term 'deplorable.' She clearly Bud Lighted herself."
"Jesus is not welcome in the democrat party," posted another.
"Telling young men that shout 'Jesus is Lord' that they are at the wrong rally is all you need to know about her. One can only logically conclude that Jesus is not her Lord even though she claims to be Christian," wrote a Facebook user.
"2/3 of America is Christian. 1/4 of America is Catholic. Kamala has made it clear that she DOES NOT want YOUR vote," noted Rep. Byron Donalds (R-FL).
"Say what you want about Trump but he will never kick you out of his rally for saying 'Jesus is Lord,'" observed another.
"Are you paying attention? Godless. Perhaps this will motivate Christians to get off their butts and vote – only around a third typically do. Remember you cannot complain about work you did not do," charged journalist Lara Logan.
Fox News host Will Cain called it a "campaign-killing response," adding, "I don't think in our history – Barack Obama or Joe Biden included – no Democrat would respond in that moment the way that [Harris] responded."
"We were sent by God eighteen days before the election to raise awareness among young Americans and first time voters to understand that this is what you are going to get with a Kamala Harris presidency." – University of Wisconsin-La Crosse protester
Grant Beth and Luke Polaske, the two students protesting Harris' pro-abortion remarks in La Crosse, appeared Sunday on Fox and Friends. They said they were surprised the event garnered so much attention, but believe it's God's way of working to expose Harris' anti-Christian agenda.
Beth described how they were ushered out of the rally: "I was pushed by an elderly woman. We were heckled at, we were cursed at, we were mocked ... In reflection of the event, Jesus was mocked. You know, his disciples were mocked, and that's OK."
Polaske recalled that Harris snidely waved to him and gave him "an evil smirk" as he held up the cross around his neck while they were being kicked of the rally.
Beth said it strikes him that they "were sent by God eighteen days before the election to raise awareness among young Americans and first time voters to understand that this is what you are going to get with a Kamala Harris presidency. You are going to get the Kamala Harris that is going to alienate the over 50% of the population that is Christian. ... it shows what type of person Kamala is and what type of leader she will be."
He implored young voters "to make an educated choice" on Nov. 5 and to consider "what you want your future to look like ... Do you want to have ... a future with no morals, a future where people are exposed to evil on a daily basis and stripped of the very power they have as citizens of the United States?"
Polaske posted a message on X addressed "to my Christian family":
"Christianity is the most hated and persecuted religion in the world. I have seen this firsthand when my faith was mocked and insulted by the Vice President of the United States. I hope as Christians we do not compromise our morals to vote for a woman who does not care about our faith. We are in the midst of a spiritual warfare this election cycle.
With that being said, let's not forget what we are taught to do as Christians. Christ tells us that if the world hates you, remember that it hated Him first. He tells us to love thy neighbor as thyself. He tells us to love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us. In Jesus' name, every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. Because in the end, WE WIN."
On Sunday, Harris visited New Birth Missionary Baptist Church in Georgia, reportedly to undo the damage caused by her anti-Christian behavior in La Crosse.
The church's controversial pastor, leftist, pro-abort Jamal Bryant, hosted Harris for what many on social media said was "essentially a campaign event" rather than a Church service.
Harris delivered a "homily" about the Good Samaritan and how we should "see in the face of a stranger a neighbor."
"Let us recognize that when we shine the light in moments of darkness it will guide our feet in the path of peace," she carried on.
"This is what you call pandering, pandering for votes. This is the same woman who allegedly kicked out a rally participant for saying Jesus is King." – YouTuber
Detroit-based social media influencer Anton Daniels called Harris' performance at the church as being "not of God."
Primarily addressing a Black audience, he said: "I don't care who you are. I don't care if you're the president of the United States of America. You can't stand in my pulpit, bro. You can't stand in the place as ordained for the holy while doing unholy business and talking to the congregation is disrespectful."
Daniels questioned how Harris could "preach after rejecting Jesus," referring to the now-infamous La Crosse fiasco.
At the end of the service, Bryant asked the congregation to turn toward Harris, who ostensibly identifies as Baptist, and pray over her. The Democratic presidential contender stood in the front pew, head bowed, eyes closed and hands clasped in front of her, apparently receiving the prayers.
"She even took the time out to pretend and play like she was actually praying while she
was getting prayed over," said one YouTuber describing the scene.
"UH OH….someone realized she made a colossal mistake & she's trying to claw her way back from the godless truth to this ridiculous cover-up/deception." – journalist Lara Logan
News later circulated on X that church members were expelled from the service by police for protesting Harris' hypocrisy. "Somebody has to stand up for the word of God," one commenter said of the protesters. "When they see a Jezebel on that stage, they have to speak out."
"Kamala Harris is the anti-Catholic candidate." – Callista Gingrich
All this follows Harris' refusal to attend the Al Smith dinner, a white-tie event held annually on the third Thursday of October to raise funds for Catholic charitable groups. Reportedly her campaign staff directed her away from the Catholic gathering to avoid offending the LGBT community and other anti-Catholic contingencies.
New York cardinal Timothy Dolan responded to the snub, remarking that the last candidate who refused an invitation to the dinner, Walter Mondale in 1984, lost his election in a massive blowout.
"I don't want to say its cause-and-effect," Dolan said, "[but] Walter Mondale went on to lose 49 states."
Former US ambassador to the Vatican Callista Gingrich weighed in. "Kamala Harris's absence at the 79th Annual Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation Dinner is a reminder that she can't hide her disdain for Catholics," Gingrich said. "It confirms what Catholic voters already know – Kamala Harris is the anti-Catholic candidate."
"Adding to that her disgraceful video at the Catholic charity dinner, man, I don't know how she's even polling at 20% let alone 45%-50% of the country." – comment on X
Harris didn't attend the dinner, but instead submitted a pre-recorded Saturday Night Live-style video. It mocked Catholics and blasphemed the Last Supper, further distancing herself from Catholic voters – and, judging from recent polls, them from her.
"How in holy hades did Harris think her uncomfortably scripted video for the Al Smith Dinner was a net positive for her campaign? Wow..." – comment on X
Her recent blunders have provided enough fodder for critics to feed on for whatever remains of the campaign season – and beyond.
On Monday, Eric Trump rebuked Harris' hatred toward Christians at the 11th Hour Faith Leaders Meeting in North Carolina. "YOU ARE AT THE RIGHT RALLY!" he declared to the faith leaders in an obvious dig at Harris.
Franklin Graham spoke at the meeting and reminded the faithful: "[R]allies and positive polls won't win this election – only God can do that. ... He is the only hope for our nation." Drawing from Psalm 20, he reminded those gathered: "Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God."
Still, many note Harris' missteps are costing her dearly in the polls. She is nose diving in the newest results, trailing in all key swing states. Trump supporters are hoping – and praying – the numbers are too massive to manipulate.
Dr. Barbara Toth has a doctorate in rhetoric and composition from Bowling Green State University. She has taught at universities in the US, China and Saudi Arabia. Her work in setting up a writing center at Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahmen University, an all-women's university in Riyadh, has been cited in American journals. Toth has published academic and non-academic articles and poems internationally.