Let's begin to count the ways
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The Marxist-bought media is doing its best to memory-hole Kamala Harris' political failures as it tries to rush her into the Oval Office.
Her dubious record in California and the dangerous Biden-Harris policies in DC have put the Democratic Party in a very precarious situation in this election.
As Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) of Florida has observed, it's imperative for the Left to rebrand Harris as a candidate attractive enough to stand against President Trump.
"All the arteries of the Left – the corporate media, Hollywood, academia – they're using all the king's horses and all the king's men to try to put the Democratic party back together again," he said recently.
"And they have to whitewash Harris' background to make her [acceptable] to the American people again," De Santis notes.
The Florida governor said the media is doing all it can to distance her from Biden's failed policies, but she "owns" all of them.
"What's past is prologue." — William Shakespeare
An accounting of the ways Kamala has wielded political power throughout her career provides a frightening omen of things to come should she become president.
Many, like Dr. Ben Carson, predict Harris will be even more destructive than Biden, accelerating the demise of the country.
"What do you think would happen if Kamala Harris got elected president? All the things that we see happening you can put those on steroids of course. A lot of it will be driven by the media who will try to make her seem like, you know, she's the second coming of Christ." — Dr. Ben Carson
It's not just conservative leaders who are warning that Harris is dangerous to the country; prominent moderates are also voicing concern over the prospect of a Harris presidency.
Independent 2024 presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., known as an advocate for peace in Ukraine, told reporters recently he is unconvinced by Harris' track record of handling conflict.
"Kamala Harris [belongs to] a party of war," he said. "She's a war hawk. The Democrat Party [was once] the peace party. Kamala Harris is a war hawk on Ukraine, she's a war hawk on China. I think that we should be figuring out ways to coexist with the rest of the world as best we can [while] protect[ing] our national security."
2020 Democratic presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard, now an Independent, is sounding a similar alarm.
In a recent interview, the Hawaii native intoned, "I think our country should be very, very afraid of a president and commander-in-chief Kamala Harris."
"I can't think of anybody else who is more unqualified to be president and commander-in-chief than Kamala Harris, and I say this as an American and as a service member who still wears the uniform serving in the Army Reserve."
Speaking of the disaster a Harris presidency would portend, Gabbard added:
"[I]t would also just be a continuation of what we've seen with Joe Biden's foreign policy and how he has carried himself as commander-in-chief, because the reality is ... it's going to be the very same unelected people behind the scenes, who are pulling the strings and making our foreign policy decisions that have been disastrous for our country and undermined our National Security and pushed us closer to the brink of a nuclear war and nuclear Armageddon."
Harris is also known for being a dangerously feckless diplomat.
A major bungle the media is now memory holing – one that epitomizes the vice-president's woeful diplomatic skills – is her disastrous performance at the Munich Security Conference (MSC) in February 2022.
The expressed purpose of the MSC is to contribute to peaceful conflict resolution through dialogue. Harris was sent to the conference to "show off her foreign policy chops," as sources reported, and to prevent the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
In an address on Feb. 19, the vice president warned Russia not to violate Ukraine's territorial integrity, leveraging the threat of sanctions as a deterrent.
"We have prepared, together, economic measures that will be swift, severe, and united. We will impose far-reaching financial sanctions and export controls. We will target Russia's financial institutions and key industries. And we will target those who are complicit and those who aid and abet this unprovoked invasion," she cautioned.
But Harris's warning came after she publicly declared that war was inevitable, telling reporters in the lead-up to her address that "Putin's made his decision" to invade Ukraine, thus rendering sanctions moot.
Volodymyr Zelenskyy, president of Ukraine since 2019, seemed confused by Harris' waffling. In an interview with CNN after the MSC, he said any list of sanctions on Russia should be made public before an invasion of Ukraine occurred.
"We don't need your sanctions after the bombardment will happen and after our country will be fired at or after we will have no borders, or after we will have no economy … why would we need those sanctions then?" he asked.
Putin invaded Ukraine on Feb. 24, after Harris' bungling mess in Munich.
Upon a not-so-triumphant return to the United States, the Establishment press dutifully avoided Harris' fumbling attempt at diplomacy. Immediately after, however, she again put her foot in her mouth, when asked during a radio interview to explain the Russia-Ukraine conflict in layman's terms.
Her response went viral:
"So, Ukraine is a country in Europe. It exists next to another country called Russia. Russia is a bigger country. Russia is a powerful country. Russia decided to invade a smaller country called Ukraine. So basically that's wrong ..."
Washington Examiner executive editor Seth Mandel described Harris' statement as "terrifying."
"She just has a real inability to talk normally to [people]," Mandel tweeted. "Layman's terms doesn't mean 'assume the audience has never heard of Russia.'"
The Russian-Ukrainian war, the largest conflict in Europe since World War II, has resulted in hundreds of thousands of casualties on both sides, including civilians.
Harris has also failed to protect her own country from invasion
Tapped by Biden to oversee efforts to secure America's southern border and work with Central American nations to stem the massive flow of illegal immigrants into the United States, Harris has failed – spectacularly.
GOP Representative Tony Gonzales of Texas, whose 23rd District shares 800 miles of border with Mexico, testified to Harris's ineptitude.
"I've seen what she has done at the border as Vice President, which is nothing," Gonzales stated in a recent Breitbart interview. "I don't want to see what she'll do as President. It will be even worse."
The congressman says the idea of arguing whether Harris is the Border Czar or not — as her media apologists now claim — is a waste of time.
"Whether you call her a Border Czar or not, it doesn't matter," he explained. "She cannot run from the failed border policies that this administration has enacted that have gotten Americans killed."
Gonzales expressed annoyance that she once fondly referred to the porous southwest border in El Paso as "the new Ellis Island."
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) himself blasted Harris Wednesday for her failure on the border during her tenure. He recalled how he begged her three years ago to take swift action to address life-and-death issues his state is facing at the border.
"Jocelyn Nungaray [a 13-year-old raped and murdered by two illegal aliens] would be alive today, and the San Antonio police officer, shot by an illegal immigrant last weekend, would be unharmed had Vice President Harris taken her job seriously," Abbott lamented.
Under the Biden-Harris regime, there have been over 8 million migrant encounters nationwide, 6.7 million of which have been at the Southwest border.
In addition, more than 1.7 million known "gotaways" – illegal immigrants who successfully evaded Border Patrol – are now living in the interior of the United States, without documentation and without having undergone any vetting by immigration officials.
According to Customs and Border Patrol (CBP), migrant apprehensions during each of the first three years of the current administration have surpassed any other annual total since its inception in 1924.
Harris' rise to power in the Golden State can be described as "unconventional."
"She actually did sleep her way into and upwards in California," journalist Megyn Kelly noted recently on X. "[M]ost women (and men) may learn that and see it for what it is: evidence of an unqualified political aspirant getting ahead based on smthg other than merit."
Over a decade-and-a-half, Harris climbed her way from San Francisco District Attorney (2004- 2011) to California Attorney General (2011-2017) to US Senator (2017-2021).
Her prosecutorial record during her California days has been harshly criticized – nowhere more devastatingly than during a July 2019 CNN Democratic presidential debate.
During the contest, Tulsi Gabbard ripped into Harris' dubious record as state attorney general. Noting that there were "too many examples to cite," Gabbard highlighted some of Harris' more egregious actions:
Imprisoning more than 15,000 people for marijuana violations, "and laugh[-ing] about it when she was asked if she ever smoked marijuana" on a radio broadcast.
Blocking evidence that would have freed an innocent man on death row (Kevin Cooper) until the courts forced her to do so.
Keeping inmates beyond their sentences for cheap labor.
Supporting a cash bail system that adversely affects the poor.
Gabbard demanded that Harris apologize to all those who suffered during her tenure as prosecutor in the Golden State.
No apology was issued, but Gabbard's truth-telling effectively ended Harris' presidential campaign.
In a recent Truth Social post, Trump rightly noted, "Kamala Harris was the ORIGINAL Marxist District Attorney — she destroyed San Francisco, and she will destroy our Country."
"Harris supports ending cash bail nationwide, which means releasing violent criminals immediately after arrest. She wants to abolish jail sentences for parole violators, she endorsed DE-FUNDING THE POLICE, and she sponsored a bill to strip police officers of legal protection, leaving our communities at the mercy of deranged criminals and violent mobs!"
As vice president, Harris has unflinchingly promoted a radical abortion agenda.
In 2023, on the 50th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the vice president declared abortion a woman's "fundamental constitutional right," referencing the “the right to liberty and the pursuit of happiness” outlined in the Declaration of Independence – and strategically omitting the right to life.
Again in 2023, Harris headlined a "Fight for Our Freedoms College Tour," stopping at various university campuses to promote the killing of unborn babies. Earlier this year, she launched a follow-up tour branded "Fight for Reproductive Freedoms."
In March, Harris became the first sitting vice president to visit an abortion mill, embarking on a well-publicized tour of a Minneapolis Planned Parenthood facility.
At the event, she lauded abortionists and slammed pro-life lawmaker "extremists" bent on limiting the killing of the unborn. Harris also ridiculed Trump for selecting "three Supreme Court justices because he intended for them to overturn Roe."
"Kamala Harris is a left-wing demagogue who is even more aggressive in promoting abortion, and even more extreme in her hostility to religious freedom rights, than Joe Biden," CJ Doyle, executive director of pro-life group Catholic Action League executive director, has noted.
Speaking broadly about her view of the Catholic Church overall, Kenneth Craycraft, professor of moral theology at Mount St. Mary's Seminary and School of Theology, said Harris' "anti-Catholic bigotry" has been on display for years.
"Kamala Harris has not hidden her intention to institute policies against the Catholic Church, and against individuals, organizations, and institutions whose beliefs, positions, and policies are consistent with the moral theology of the Church," Craycraft wrote on X.
Harris has also grilled Catholic judicial nominees regarding their faith; opposed pro-life pregnancy centers; embraced transgender mandates, even as they jeopardize religious freedom.
These and many more of Harris' "achievements" – past and present – should give voters pause as they head to the ballot box on Nov. 5.
Of course, a Trump victory won't mean an end to suffering and strife in the United States – especially in light of the anticipated reaction of the Left to a MAGA win. As one online commentator put it, it will be bit like purgatory. But if Kamala wins, it will be hell.
Dr. Barbara Toth has a doctorate in rhetoric and composition from Bowling Green State University. She has taught at universities in the US, China and Saudi Arabia. Her work in setting up a writing center at Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahmen University, an all-women's university in Riyadh, has been cited in American journals. Toth has published academic and non-academic articles and poems internationally.
Kamala Harris represents the most extreme left wing of a Democrat party already captured by anti-Christian, Marxist elements. Throughout the run-up to the election, Souls and Liberty will be sounding the alarm against her candidacy and arming you with the information you need to take action in the public square to stop the takeover of our republic, and even Western Civilization.
Very true Dr. Toth. Hopefully, the American people will not be stupid enough to elect this Communist.