Indian priests are praying to Hindu gods for Harris' victory over Donald Trump

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High-caste Hindu priests are praying for Kamala Harris' victory as her spin doctors whitewash her oppressive high-caste Hindu lineage in order to portray her as a "black" person from an oppressed minority.
"We prayed for her, and she became vice president. With the blessing of our all-powerful deity, we are confident she will now become president too," M. Natrajan, head priest of the Hindu temple in Thulasendrapuram, Harris' ancestral village in the south Indian state of Tamil Nadu, told AFP.
A huge banner of the smiling Harris stands at the village entrance next to its main temple, dedicated to Dharmasastha, the Hindu god of truth and righteousness, who is also known as Ayyappan.
"With the blessing of our all-powerful deity, we are confident she will now become president too."
Harris' name appears on a list of donors on one of the temple walls. Harris' maternal grandfather, P.V. Gopalan, left the village decades ago, but the family has maintained close links and has regularly donated to the temple's upkeep, residents told AFP.
The scale of the prayers will increase as the elections approach, the head priest said. As the village Hindu community prays daily for Harris' success, Natrajan, who comes from the highest caste of Brahmin priests, offers up sweets and rice pudding to the deity every evening.
In her 2019 autobiography The Truths We Hold: An American Journey, Harris acknowledges "there is no title or honor on earth I'll treasure more than to say I am Shyamala Gopalan Harris's daughter."
Harris nowhere mentions that Gopalan hails from Hinduism's highest and most privileged caste — the Tamil Brahmin priesthood — regarded by "untouchable" (Dalit) and lower castes as India's most racist and oppressive institution.
Harris makes numerous references to her Indian ancestry, writing how her maternal family "instilled us with pride in our South Asian roots."
"Caste hierarchy, rooted in the Hindu legal texts of the Manusmriti, has been endemic to Indian society for the last three millennia."
"We were raised with a strong awareness of and appreciation for Indian culture," she emphasizes.
But the authoritarian racism and obdurate exclusivism of her mother's Brahmin family, which would have viewed her Jamaican-born black-skinned father with the utmost contempt, is airbrushed from her story.
"Caste hierarchy, rooted in the Hindu legal texts of the Manusmriti, has been endemic to Indian society for the last three millennia," Kshitija Gomes, expert on Pandita Ramabai —India's highest caste female convert to Christianity told Souls and Liberty.
"The very fact that Harris' mother married a dark-skinned Jamaican — someone in skin color closest to a Tamil untouchable — would suggest that Shyamala Gopalan did not share her community's racism, even though she most definitely shared the 'Brahmanical privilege' of her Tamil Brahmin caste," observed Gomes.
Gomes, translator and annotator of Pandita Ramabai's America: Conditions of Life in the United States, elaborated:
"This is precisely where her mother’s experience runs against Harris’ own ideological penchant for identity politics. If Donald Trump had a mother from a highly privileged and utterly racist background — say the KKK — Harris-Biden, the mainstream media and the cultural Marxist cabal would have cancelled him completely because of his group identity."
"Harris should now apply the same identity politics yardstick to herself, confess her 'Brahmanical privilege,' and make reparation for the sins her ancestors have committed over the last three millennia," Gomes remarked.
A hymn from the Purusasukta of the Hindu scripture Rig Veda specifies four main categories or varnas — varna means color as well as class.
The highest caste Brahmin (priest) is born from god's mouth, the Kshatriya (warrior) is born from the deity's arm, the Vaishya (businessman or trader) comes from god's belly, and the Shudra (menial) from the Creator's foot.
The untouchable (Dalit) is the "unborn" emerging from outside the body of the Creator, with no physical link to the Supreme Being; and a different species, like an animal or sub-human.
The Manusmriti describes the untouchable as "polluted" and "unclean" from birth. He violates, by his very existence, the Brahmanical obsession with hygiene and is perpetually filthy, according to Louis Dumont's magisterial book Homo Hierarchicus: The Caste System and Its Implications.
Brahmins are white, Kshatriyas are red, Vaishyas are yellow and Shudras are black.
Religious texts assign skin colors to the castes: Brahmins are white, Kshatriyas are red, Vaishyas are yellow and Shudras are black. The colors are based on the predominance of a quality or virtue (guna) in their nature (prakrti).
Sociologist Komar Dhillon, in a doctoral dissertation titled Brown Skin, White Dreams: Pigmentocracy in India, describes how skin color is intrinsic to Indian racism.
"Benefits for those on the lighter end of the skin color spectrum [e.g., Brahmins] are recognized and leveraged in accordance with the systemic logic of being naturally superior. Conversely, often those on the darker end of the spectrum are perceived as inferior (by others as well as themselves), thus perpetuating the superiority of whiteness," Dhillon writes.
According to the National Crime Records Bureau, a crime is committed against an untouchable by an upper caste Hindu every 16 minutes daily. More than four untouchable women are raped, 13 untouchables are murdered, and six untouchables are kidnapped every week.
These atrocities do not include "the stripping and parading naked, the forced shit-eating (literally), the seizing of land, the social boycotts, the restriction of access to drinking water," writes Arundhati Roy, winner of the Man Booker Prize for Fiction.
In a piece for the Wall Street Journal, Indian writer Sadanand Dhume notes that Harris' Tamil Brahmin background "undercuts many of the pieties of the U.S. left."
"How do you characterize America as a land of oppression when so many immigrants have clearly experienced it as a land of opportunity?" he asks.
"The unreconstructed racism of most middle-class Indians towards people of African origin is a fact that every honest desi [Indian] acknowledges."
"Kamala Harris might, for instance, have known that most Tamil Brahmins would have had a stroke if a daughter of theirs brought a Black husband home" and "might have encountered Tamil Brahmins who let their discomfort with 'miscegenation' show'," writes Indian author Mukul Kesavan.
"The unreconstructed racism of most middle-class Indians towards people of African origin is a fact that every honest desi [Indian] acknowledges," he adds.
Historians acknowledge that conversion to Christianity liberated millions of untouchables from the caste system, estimating that about 65–70% of Indian Christians come from a Dalit background. Caste apartheid, however, still infects the Church in India.
The village is already dreaming big should Harris win. One villager said the temple was sure to get more donations, following a Harris victory.
"It's quite obvious that the village people are hoping that once she wins this election she will do us some favors," explained R. R. Kalidas Vandayar, a high-caste elder. "We are hoping the prayers work."
Dr. Jules Gomes, (BA, BD, MTh, PhD), has a doctorate in biblical studies from the University of Cambridge. Currently a Vatican-accredited journalist based in Rome, he is the author of five books and several academic articles. Gomes lectured at Catholic and Protestant seminaries and universities and was canon theologian and artistic director at Liverpool Cathedral.
Hey Jules, why don't you write about J.D. Vance' Hindu wife and their marriage which was presided over by a Hindu Pujari ?
Typical GOP shilling going on here.
Praying to Hindu gods? You mean calling on demons don't you. Pachammama, Pachammama
Pachamamma boo! VIshnu, Siva comin' for you!
But Michael, where is the balanced picture??
Isn't that the Honest thing to do, present all sides??
Trump's V.P, pick, J.D Vance, is Married to an Indian woman and had an Indian "priest" conduct the wedding.
JD Vance, the US Senator from Ohio and Republican vice presidential nominee, married Usha Chilukuri Vance, an Indian-American lawyer, in a Hindu wedding ceremony in Kentucky in 2014. The intimate affair was attended by close friends and family.
So let's be honest here, ok?