Canadians warn that Kamala Harris is America's Trudeau. But, what does that mean?
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"You can't polish a turd ..."
While crass, this popular saying does well in summarizing the frustration felt by anyone tasked with making something distasteful seem appealing. However, as much as I respect most aphorisms, this is one I don't believe is true. You see, we have a history of turds being polished and presented to us as political candidates. And when done right, boy do they look shiny!
It is obvious to anyone watching the 2024 campaign that Kamala Harris is being promoted to the American public in much the same way. There is a curated version of her personality that is being pushed through the expected channels toward the target markets to ensure her carefully curated – polished – personality remains the focus of voters, many of whom would gag over the turds that are her policies.
What's fascinating about this display is that Canadians have seen this song and dance before.
Kevin O'Leary, of Shark Tank fame, compared Kamala Harris to Justin Trudeau in a recent interview, expressing his concern over what America might be like if she were to become president.
"There's an example of an 'it kid' up in Canada a few years ago, Justin Trudeau. Nobody looked at his background, nobody looked at his policies. He was the 'it kid.' [Now] that country is on its knees! He wiped it out! He had no executional skills. Are Americans going to hire or bring a president that's another Justin Trudeau? I hope not."
I remember that election, as well. I remember exactly what O'Leary is talking about. "The Machine," here in Canada, promoted Trudeau as cool, different, and attractive. He was promoted as something different from the stale old conservatives who only cared about "unleashing Canadian energy," and cutting taxes to "boost the economy."
The young in Canada were told that economies "balance themselves." They were told that if they elected Trudeau, Canada would enter a brave new future in which legalized marijuana would help stem mental illness; science and a renewed focus on research and development would bring unprecedented prosperity; and the country would invest in the young, creating a glorious future for them and the nation.
The media helped push the message that women should vote for Trudeau because his hair was really nice. He was cool, chic, a political hunk – and it didn't hurt that his bowl-haircut sporting opponent had all the charm of an MIT mathlete. Sure enough, many did vote for him; and expressed that his looks were the exact reason why.
However, I disagree with Mr. O'Leary on one thing – execution. While lackluster when dealing with things that mattered to the people he was supposed to represent, Trudeau was, in fact, perfectly capable of executing his plans.
Over the nine years that followed his election, he systematically pushed the exact leftist agenda with which anyone living in a Western nation has now become familiar.
Trudeau wasted no time pushing racial politics in Canada's social, educational and pop cultures. Schools were given new curricula, complete with LGBTQ+2S propaganda; and anti-white, anti-Canadian "history" lessons.
Children were taught, and made to annually memorialize, a multi-million-dollar hoax, based on an alleged "atrocity" narrative wherein they were told that the Catholic Church and Canadian government abused and killed thousands of native children for the crime of being native.
As usual, this narrative was later debunked. But officially, it is still accepted by the government and taught to children in all government schools, including Catholic schools.
The rhetoric from this agitprop has been linked to attacks on scores of churches across Canada.
But Trudeau was far from finished executing on his subversive agenda. Racial quotas and anti-white race-based policies on promotion, hiring, grant approval, investment capital, government contracts, and more were implemented across all federally connected organizations.
This meant that close to 70% of the Canadian population was effectively barred from advancement within any organization connected to the federal government. Police, military, schools, administrative roles, doctoral students seeking academic roles, scientists seeking grant money, and even entrepreneurs looking for start-up grants were all affected by this newly imposed race-based glass ceiling; ironically dubbed "Canada's Anti-racism strategy."
This quota system left Canada's infrastructure, particularly its military, understaffed to such a degree that in March of this year, Canada's state-funded media announced that the Canadian military doesn't have enough people or ammunition; and up to half of all equipment across the combined service branches is "unserviceable" and "in no state to deploy."
This was exacerbated by the demoralization his racial programs inflicted on otherwise patriotic Canadians, who quickly felt hated and unwanted in their own homeland.
Trudeau's tyrannical handling of Covid compounded that demoralization. Like so many of his leftist counterparts around the world – he locked down the nation, drove skyrocketing inflation through money printing, ignored the national constitution by revoking the rights of citizens, and pushed a dangerous vaccine without proper informed consent.
And, he took it a step further. When his people gathered to protest these violations of their basic rights, he responded with the kind of heavy-handedness that would make Mao Zedong blush. The Emergency Act was invoked – allowing the powers of the state, created to fight the war on terror, to be turned toward its own citizens.
Of course, that was not all. Trudeau's lax drug policies brought with them a fentanyl and opioid epidemic. Thousands died as the government handed out contracts to pharmaceutical companies to provide a government-funded so-called "safe supply" of drugs to addicts.
While printing and spending more money than any other government in Canadian history, Trudeau oversaw a cost of living crisis that has priced most of the Canadian population out of housing, saw food prices increase, and a "historic" decline in living standards for Canadians.
At the same time, Trudeau drastically increased immigration rates through temporary work programs and international student visas (both of which had entire infrastructures in place to ensure they acted as pathways to permanent residency). At a time when wages were declining, the cost of living was rising, housing scarcity was increasing and the government was increasing taxes dramatically to combat "carbon output" – Canada added the most new migrants in the nation's history, increasing every year since the end of lockdowns and adding immense pressure on an already struggling nation.
Somewhere between 15-20% of the total population has immigrated through one of these programs over just the last three years.
Canadians were promised a golden future. What they got in return was a smoldering ruin. We were promised Star Trek, instead we received Elysium. This promise-to-delivery mismatch seems all too common with the leftist establishment.
These same policies – and more – were implemented by Kamala Harris at every step in her political career. They were an integral part of the Obama-Biden, and then the Biden-Harris, administrations; and will continue to be a part of any political agenda in which Harris is involved.
Canadians have lived through almost a decade of Canada's Trudeau and the destruction of all we held dear. And now, we see it happening again as a similar machine sets about polishing yet another turd to deliver more of the same destructive idiocy.
Arthur is a former editor and consultant. Born in India to missionary parents, he spent his early career working in development for NGOs in Asia, Central America, and Africa.
Arthur has an educational background in history and psychology, with certifications from the University of Oxford and Leiden in the economics, politics, and ethics of mass migration and comparative theories in terrorism and counterterrorism. He is currently launching CivWest, a company focused on building capital to fund restorative projects and create resilient systems across the Western world.
Kamala Harris represents the most extreme left wing of a Democrat party already captured by anti-Christian, Marxist elements. Throughout the run-up to the election, Souls and Liberty will be sounding the alarm against her candidacy and arming you with the information you need to take action in the public square to stop the takeover of our republic, and even Western Civilization.