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Barbara Toth, PhD

Join the World's Largest Rosary Crusade

Updated: 20 hours ago

'America Really Needs the Message of Fatima Now'

Virgin Mary in prayer with rosary and US flag behind her

Editor's note:

Election Day is Nov. 5. Be ready for the ballot box by registering to vote.

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Every October, tens of thousands of Americans gather to pray the Rosary, asking God, through His Mother, to bless and protect the United States.

This year the Rosary Campaign, scheduled for noon on Oct. 12 and hosted by America Needs Fatima (ANF), bears special significance, occurring as it does three weeks before an election of immense consequence.

Donation request ad with hot air balloons
"Great battles are won with the Holy Rosary, which reaches Mary, reaches her Son. Always pray the Rosary!" – Pope Saint John Paul II

People will be gathering at more than 22,000 – and growing – public locations across the United States on Saturday, imploring God for a four-year grace period to fight the Marxist forces seeking to overtake the country.

US map with red pins

The ANF's campaign, running every year since 2007, is dedicated to spreading Our Lady of Fatima's message to pray the Rosary and to repent, lest the errors of Communism overtake the world.

Indeed, ANF calls Our Lady's message to the three peasant children in Fatima, Portugal in 1917 "a Heaven-sent survival manual." 

Our Lady appeared to the children with a missive for every man, woman, and child. She promised that God would grant peace to the entire world if Her requests for prayer and reparation for sins were obeyed. If not, she warned that Russia, then falling to the Soviets, would spread Communism throughout the world.

When the children asked Our Lady her name, she said, "I am the Lady of the Rosary."

"A world at prayer is a world at peace." – Venerable Patrick Peyton (1909-1992)

On Oct. 13, 1917 Our Lady topped off her months-long series of visits to the children with what has been called the "Miracle of the Sun" – an event witnessed by a reported 70,000 observers that convinced skeptics and stupefied naysayers.

The ANF Rosary Rally is scheduled every year on the Saturday closest to Oct. 13 in commemoration of the Miracle of the Sun.

October is also the month of the Holy Rosary, a time when Catholics honor historic triumphs – including the Battle of Lepanto (1571), the Battle of Vienna (1683) and the Battle of Warsaw (1920) – in which prayers to Our Lady are believed to have resulted in victory over enemies of the Faith. 

"Public prayer is far more powerful than private prayer to appease the anger of God and call down His mercy, and Holy Mother Church, guided by the Holy Ghost, has always advocated public prayer in times of public tragedy and suffering." – Saint Louis Marie de Montfort


The ANF invites everyone to create, or join in, a Rosary Rally to promote Our Lady's message of peace on Oct. 12. Anyone can join in – you don't have to be Catholic to pray the Rosary.

"It's easy and not too late," a Rosary Rally organizer in Arizona told Souls and Liberty. "Just gather some friends and pray a Rosary in a public place. In America, people still have the legal right to pray in public places."

"The rosary is a long chain that links Heaven and earth…the Rosary prayer rises like incense to the feet of the Almighty." –St. Thérèse of Lisieux

"This is a grassroots effort, so not a lot of preparation is needed." she said. "Just keep Jesus' words in Matthew's gospel in mind: 'For where two or three gather together as my followers, I am there among them.' – AND bring a Rosary."

She added, "America really needs the message of Fatima at this very moment."

"The important thing is to storm Heaven with prayers, humbly begging Our Lady's intercession, at high noon on Saturday." – rally organizer

Another organizer, based in Michigan, told Souls and Liberty, "If it's impossible to get to a public square this year, gather your friends, family and neighbors together in your garden or front yard. The important thing is to storm Heaven with prayers, humbly begging Our Lady's intercession, at high noon on Saturday. Let the whole world resound with our repentant voices so God is sure to hear us."

Spontaneously, she added, "And don't forget to vote!"

John Manczko, Captain of Souls and Liberty Action Network's Tennessee chapter, will be leading a Rosary Rally in Knoxville at 12:00 p.m. Eastern / 9:00 a.m. Pacific on Saturday. The event will be livestreamed; anyone interested in joining remotely can do so by clicking here.

For more information about America Needs Fatima or how to organize a Rosary Rally of your own, visit the organization's website. For a prayer program handout to share at the rally, including how to pray the Rosary, click below.

Dr. Barbara Toth has a doctorate in rhetoric and composition from Bowling Green State University. She has taught at universities in the US, China and Saudi Arabia. Her work in setting up a writing center at Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahmen University, an all-women's university in Riyadh, has been cited in American journals. Toth has published academic and non-academic articles and poems internationally.

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