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It's Not About Joe!

Writer's picture: Gary Michael Voris, STBGary Michael Voris, STB

Updated: Jul 17, 2024

It hasn't been for quite some time

Joe Biden is not the main attraction on the political stage right now. The real star of the show is the man off-stage — on the Left — barely hiding just behind the curtain. Barack Obama.

If you don't know recent history, this might not make sense at first — but bear with us for a moment as we back up a few years, and then move forward to the present.

In 2015/16 — Obama's last official year running the country — he had made all the necessary arrangements for Hillary Clinton to step in and continue his legacy of converting America from a constitutional republic into a socialist nation.

Of everything Obama did — the most important is one of the least well-known. He got full control of all the nation's intelligence agencies by placing loyalists to him at the top and upper echelons of power in each agency.

These stood ready to execute whatever plan, whenever it needed to be deployed. Recall — at the time, no one had given any real consideration to Trump winning, except late night comedians. Hillary was the unquestioned successor to Obama — even if she and DNC leaders had to screw over Bernie Sanders in the process.

When things started getting a little too close for Obama/Hillary — the team cooperated to create a phony narrative which her campaign paid for, and his intelligence agencies pursued as though it was true.

The Steele dossier was pure campaign propaganda invented by Hillary and her team; and then, through the participation of Obama's intel cronies, leaked to the media.

Those media reports — based on lies — then became the basis for the intel agencies to go to the courts and ask for warrants to spy on Trump — because our intel suggests he is cooperating with Russia to interfere in the election.

It was all lies. Hillary and Obama, above all others, knew it was all lies because they had created them and then seen to their dissemination. So, by the time Hillary was strutting around the debate stage in her unflattering pants suits — it was easy for her to point at the directors of all 17 intel agencies saying Donald Trump was working with the Russians to interfere in the election for his own gain.

Communists ALWAYS lie/cheat/steal — and then accuse their opponents of it.

When Trump won — despite their cheating — the operation Obama had put in place to assist Hillary in putting the finishing touches on his agenda was weaponized against Trump as President.

The Communist-Democrats got back up off the mat quickly and started a relentless nearly three-year campaign to destabilize Trump and smear him; to neutralize him as much as possible and make sure he did not win re-election.

They even capitalized on Covid to help swing an election in their favor with mail-in ballots, drop boxes, early voting, unverified signatures, non-identified ballots and ballots mailed to everyone imaginable — sometimes twice.

So, when the 2020 primaries began, and the White House came back into focus — Obama needed the right candidate to continue his anti-American legacy. It couldn't be Hillary again — too risky since she'd already lost. And scouring over the field of potential lackeys, his former vice-president fit the bill.

Gentle Joe, good 'ol Joe from Scranton, middle-class Joe — the perfect foil for the mean-tweeting Trump. Decency would once again be restored. America would be set free from Trumpian rage and insanity.

There was a risk, of course, with Joe. He was pretty darn old, and some were saying even back then he'd lost a step or two. But hey — campaigning from your basement covers a world of woes and camouflages a lot.

A few days after the last ballots were cast, and a few more days after the correct number had appeared following a multi-state stoppage in counting, Obama's boy Joe was declared the winner.

Things could get back on track and Trump's single term could be viewed as a brief exit ramp on the road to Socialist Nirvana. However, Trump didn't go easily into the night. He kept sticking around with an intensely loyal base who dug in and counted the days and months for their chance at revenge.

When it was clear he was steamrolling — or would be steamrolling — his way to the GOP nomination for the third time in eight years — Obama's boy Joe, with Obama's former failed Supreme Court nominee Merrick Garland — now the US Attorney General — launched a coordinated multi-state, multi-jurisdiction lawfare campaign against him which would surely bring him down.

Except — it didn't. It actually backfired and blew up in their faces so outrageous and contrived were the charges against him.

Trump raised more money for his campaign in one week in May than Biden did the entire month. And after that, billionaires began jumping on the Trump train. Suddenly, in the face of their best efforts, the Communist effort was clearly fraying. And then came the debate.

What has followed in its wake is not so much the fear and panic gripping Democrats, but the revelation of the lies and amount of wool they had pulled over the eyes of the American public. The entire Communist empire — the Democrats, the news media, the entertainers — all of them — was being exposed as having perpetrated one gigantic scheme to keep Biden in place, pretending he was fit.

Once they were exposed, however — they all feigned ignorance. From CNN to MSNBC to almost the entire White House reporter pool — every one of them gave a whole new meaning to the term "fake news" as they faked shock at Biden's disastrous on-stage performance.

Obama never liked America. In fact, he hated it and still does; and while Joe was able to be the man to carry his water — an "OBiden" administration" was fine. Just defeat Trump.

Nothing else mattered; even the destruction of democracy — another agenda item of fakery by the Communists.

As long as Biden's problems could be kept hidden, not one of them would make a single peep. Biden could continue to be the front man (or water boy) as Obama engineered everything using his cronies in DC as his proxies. As the 2024 primaries loomed — a decision moment, an inflection point had been reached.

Should Obama continue to keep his money (and control) on Biden, or should they put up a challenger? The choice came down to Obama's ability to control whoever that might be. Certainly no one would be as easy to control as Biden with the already-in-place Obama termites around him.

Another challenger, whoever it might be, would be a gamble. Of course, the gamble with Biden was his age and deteriorating condition. Could he be dragged across the finish line and win without the truth coming out. The Obama network placed its bet on Biden in hope that the truth could be covered up for a few months, and enough people fooled into voting for him and against Mean-Trump-the-Democracy-Destroying-Would-Be-Dictator.

The Marxist media got its marching orders — keep Biden's deteriorating condition under wrap at all costs — until November 2024.

Republish whatever propaganda the White House published about this or that gaffe or slip or fall. Make excuses for everything, while hammering Trump as much as humanly possible, keeping as much of the spotlight off Biden as possible.

But the debate proved the lie — and now Obama wants a do-over — in the worst possible way. So his cronies in Hollywood — beginning with George Clooney — are now going public with the cry for Biden to step aside because Trump might win; mind you, NOT because having a dementia patient running the country is massively dangerous, but just because Trump might win.

When Trump was sworn in, Obama never left DC. In fact, he became the only president to keep a residence in DC after leaving office.

He has been the puppet master of Biden for nearly four years, again operating through the proxies he scattered all over the federal bureaucracy before leaving office.

If Trump gets in — those Obama cronies will be torn from their positions like a cancer being cut out — and Obama knows that. He also looks down the road and realizes his entire plan of destroying America from within will have come to nothing.

Biden's desire to remain in power is much more parochial. He likes power; he wants to remain president; after all, he tried multiple times and failed, and now has everything he always wanted — why give it up now? Jill doesn't want him to; Hunter certainly doesn't — both of them, and others, might, in fact, be criminally prosecuted under an aggressive Trump US Attorney General.

And most importantly — Biden himself doesn't want to give it all up, and has said so multiple times. So, the pressure campaign of the Obama League strewn all over the country is getting its marching orders — "end Joe, but do it as gracefully as possible." Their problem, however, is only Joe can end Joe.

Old dementia-ridden men are known to become very implacable, and that looks exactly like what's going on here. It's not hard to imagine Barack starting to go bananas as he quietly, but forcefully, whips up the troops behind the scenes to put out the word, "Joe's gotta go!"

The Marxist former president is becoming so overheated that he's even having his cronies attack on social media — with onetime speech writer Jon Lovett tweeting out:

“Joe Biden can leave office as one of the greatest presidents in our lifetimes or he can leave a stubborn old man who allowed hubris and insecurity to destroy his legacy.”

In truth — it's not Joe's legacy that has their knickers all in a bunch — but their vision of America's future. And it's not Joe's hubris and insecurity that's coming to light, but Obama's.

Gary Michael Voris holds a graduate degree, Cum Laude, from the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas in Rome. Voris earned multiple awards for 40+ years of news media experience for writing, producing, and investigative work from the Associated Press, Detroit Press Club, Michigan Broadcasters Association, as well as four news Emmys in multiple categories. He graduated from the University of Notre Dame in 1983 with an undergraduate major in Communications and a minor in History.

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Jul 14, 2024
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Anti-Semitic label is like racism one. Both are meaningles because they are so worn out. It is time you to wake up too…🤔😏😎


Jul 12, 2024

Truly dire straits these days be.

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