It's no longer 'Morning in America' – it's midnight.
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When a people transition from being revolutionaries into a nation – and, eventually, the most powerful nation in the history of the world – know that did not happen without a lot of self-reflection and contemplation.
The chief question to reflect on now is the same one from 248 years ago – who are we as a people?
248 years ago, it was colonists yearning for emancipation from the throne of England. Today – it's not altogether clear what is being yearned for.
In 1776, there were some colonists who were strongly opposed to any idea of independence from King George. They lost the battle, and George lost his New World colonies.
Today, what the Founding Fathers fought so hard for is in need of self-examination, again. And this may perhaps be the final time such a grace moment is extended.
The states are not united. What separates them are worldviews that cannot occupy the same place at the same time. Much like the clashing worldviews of the English monarchy and the colonists – something's gotta give.
As the federal bureaucracy has grown into such a terrifying monstrosity, diametrically opposed to any idea the Founders held, whichever party (or more precisely, worldview) holds power in DC begins to crush the opposing worldview in whatever states hold it.
Communist-Democrats hold massive power in DC, and have used that power in conjunction with other institutions to impose their will on more "conservative" states and those states' worldview of an original understanding of the US Constitution, which enshrines our rights as coming from God – not the State
And other states that culturally profit from DC being controlled by a Communist worldview support the encroachment on other states, and cheer the imposition of their worldview on states that reject it.
We, as a nation, are moving dangerously close to the paradigm of not a revolutionary war, but a civil war. Culturally speaking, a very good argument can be made that we are already in a cold war of sorts.
As Abraham Lincoln's often-quoted line from his debate with Sen. Stephen A. Douglas goes, this nation "will become all one thing, or all the other."
The phrase conjures up for us discussions being had in local watering holes all over the colonies prior to the War of Independence. We will either be colonies subject to the crown, or we will be free. We can't be BOTH.
Lincoln's speech was talking about slavery. A nation of states supposedly united could not both support and outlaw slavery.
And now on this 4th of July, 2024 – we are at the crossroads of self-examination again.
We cannot be both pro-Communism and anti-Communism. We cannot be both practical atheists and a nation of religionists.
We cannot hold one worldview which invests man's dignity and worth in the State, and an opposing view which announces that Man's dignity (and therefore the State's obligation to uphold it) comes from being created in the Image and Likeness of God.
Emblazoned across our money is the proclamation "In God We Trust."
Scattered across the entire legal landscape is the undercurrent that defendants have rights because they are made in God's image.
The Ten Commandments cannot at the same time be Ten Suggestions.
America – like on the eve of the Revolution – has arrived at the moment, the final click before midnight. While every election holds its own importance, few rise to the level of this one.
There are very few options left.
Trump wins, and the possibility to roll back Communism results.
Trump "loses" to the Communist tyrants (regardless of the candidate), and America, as we have always understood it, is finished.
For the last half of the last century, America fought against the scourge of Communism abroad. It became a defining characteristic of our foreign policy, as well as some domestic ones.
But, the collapse of the old Soviet Union was a mirage regarding Communism. The nation collapsed, but the evil endured, and had already infected America – jumping to a new host country just as it had brought about the death of the former.
Here, as it seized hold of one political party and advanced the impact of the sexual revolution of the 1960s, it began eating away at founding principles of the nation – liberty, freedom, justice, fairness, stability – until we have reached a point where too many are no longer sure what nation we are.
Through the lust for power on the part of various politicians, Communism wormed into the Democratic Party, while at the same time finding very little pushback from the Republican Party.
A gigantic transformation has already occurred. The division is no longer about political parties – it's about worldviews – Patriotism vs. Communism.
Now the country is immobilized; split almost down the middle – stuck in time, as time marches on.
Without overstatement – the nation is at a soul-defining moment.
Gary Michael Voris holds a graduate degree, Cum Laude, from the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas in Rome. Voris earned multiple awards for 40+ years of news media experience for writing, producing, and investigative work from the Associated Press, Detroit Press Club, Michigan Broadcasters Association, as well as four news Emmys in multiple categories. He graduated from the University of Notre Dame in 1983 with an undergraduate major in Communications and a minor in History.
timmedi tries to "educate" us about Lincoln and slavery, as seen in his lengthy and wandering comment below. However, timmedi is incorrect and Voris is correct. Timmedi has taken the quote Michael references out of context. Here is the Lincoln speech Michael references, presented more fully and in context. Slavery is explicitly referenced by Lincoln in the speech.
"A house divided against itself, cannot stand.
I believe this government cannot endure permanently half slave and half free.
I do not expect the Union to be dissolved – I do not expect the house to fall – but I do expect it will cease to be divided.
It will become all one thing or all the other.
Either the opponents of slavery will…
timmeddi has endeavored to educate us on the civil war, a greatly confused time, but he seems to have ignored the resulting 150+ years since then. The Republicans are surely not perfect and do not stick to their beliefs at all times. But there is an overriding difference between what the Communist Democrats want and what the Republican want. Ignoring this difference allows us to lose our freedoms and the ability to practice our faith. I would suggest that timmeddi go to Amazon and buy my book - Voting For Your Faith: Are You Doing It? - and get out of the 1860s and think of 2024 and beyond. The Communist Democrats, as Gary terms them, have clearly stated wha…
Ominous...and true.