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Daring Hate-filled Democrats Launch Plan to Destroy America

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Jul 24

Thanks for the comment about the CFR and Trilateral Commission. I referred to that in a term paper in 1981 as our textbook "Fiscal and Monetary Policy" was written by a member of the CFR, and I got a nasty response from the professor, a Denver banker, who wrote me off as a fascist and crackpot. You're not supposed to know that stuff; you're not a part of their club yet was his reaction. The point of Keynesian economics which supported that textbook's delusional ideology, is that you're supposed to believe government through manipulation of interest rates and taxes, controls the outcome of a country's economy. (It does, but the outcome is not what you would be told to beli…


These two episodes presented today are most welcome to this new and growing site. Good info, good pacing, smooth presentation, professional. It's also great to see the faces of the folks responsible for the excellent reports of late.

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