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Case Files: The Case of Crashing Guitars (S1E12)

Souls and Liberty

Updated: Oct 3, 2024

The music at Mass should be sacred, liturgical; but most often it's not. It's a psychedelic rock show, an outrageous and disruptive distraction from the awesome Sacrifice happening on the altar. These changes were brought into the liturgy gradually, and in defiance of the clear instructions of both the unfailing tradition of the Church and the Second Vatican Council.

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4 commentaires

06 oct. 2024

Thank you, Simon; it needed to be said.


05 oct. 2024

Oh, I am so glad I never signed up for Premium back when Simon produced this self-righteous, sanctimonious, Pharisaic pablum. His wrong-headedness and judgmentality are exactly why the Church has had such difficulty evangelizing in such communities as the African-American community. Claims that music that has modern instruments is not "sacred" isn't even historically accurate. After all, the pipe organ was at one time a modern instrument, and "sacred" music got their inspirations from such --to use Simon's term, "mundane" --sources as sea shanties.

Either Simon can't play an instrument, or, since he hasn't made a living as a musician or composer, has soar grapes for those who can make a living writing and performing sacred music --and, yes, it…

07 oct. 2024
En réponse à

I thought you folks didn't like the Church of Nice. I thought you folks want clarity over charity. I must have struck a nerve.

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