Enough with the calls for phony unity
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The level of hubris from Communist-Democrats never ceases to amaze — although given their track record, you'd think you couldn't be amazed. But — here we are.
Keep the big picture in mind here — an attempted assassination was made on Donald Trump.
After years of Communist-Democrats insisting he must be stopped at all costs ... never allowed to serve in any public office again ... is an existential threat to democracy (my personal favorite slur) and a host of other insults no private citizen should have to bear from government tyrants — one of their own finally pulled the trigger on all their encouragement and agitation.
As Trump was being gang-rushed off stage, the tyrants' media allies downplayed the event — saying he was rushed off the stage after "a fall" — conveniently ignoring that he "fell" on his own accord to avoid being killed by their assassin.
And yes — it was, in every substantive manner it can be portrayed — their assassin. Republicans don't shoot at and try to kill their own candidate — especially when he's leading in the polls and more likely to win.
So, 20 year old Thomas Matthew Crooks, somehow (another story) managed to get a little more than a football field away from Trump, crawling up to the roof of a building in full site of government security (being yelled at by civilians, warning there was someone on the roof), unpack his rifle, adjust his sites, calculate wind speed, etc., and get off a few rounds — one hitting Trump on the ear — again, all in full view of those security personnel — some of whom lay watching Crooks from their own perches on a building rooftop nearby.
Where did this kid come from?
He emerged from the cesspool of Communist hate directed against America and Patriots. True — his bullets were aimed at Trump, but the target was America.
Trump is a stand-in for America; the icon for a type of patriotism and plain-spokenness Communists and social wimps detest (and we are coming to learn there are many more Communists and social-wimp enablers than we ever realized.)
And now, in view of the failed assassination — the same people who encouraged and funded cities being burned to the ground in the summer of 2020, tearing down statues, letting criminals overrun the streets, and illegal immigrants overrun cities — murdering, raping, and other assorted acts of violence — suddenly, they want peace and unity.
They only are calling for unity now because that's what you do when you lose — when you "miss." You take the road very familiar and well-traveled to them — the avenue of virtue signaling. "We must come together." "We must unite." "Violence has no place in our politics." — This, from the crowd promoting the murder and violence against nearly two thousand preborn Americans every day.
There can be no "unity" when there is painfully little to unite around. Such cries are deceptive. Does the Light yell to the Darkness, "let us unite"? These are not policy disagreements — they are polar opposites — "at war" views of man, America, freedom, God, culture and so forth.
The argument is not over how high or low to adjust the Social Security COLA this year — they are over the very definition of freedom, and the role of government in securing those rights.
The rights are either from God or DC (there's no other option) — with massive ramifications to individual citizens depending upon which side you land. The truth is that for those who understand this polarity — "unity" is off the table; and never really was on the table.
The Son of God Himself lauded division — declaring He had come to bring not unity, but the sword of division — for such is the fate of Man in possession of free will.
Abraham Lincoln understood the impossibility of unity between states on the question of slavery — the nation will be either all one thing, or all the other. Ultimately, this is the truth of human existence, as well — and it's why the "lack of unity" penetrates so deeply into our collective consciousness.
In the end — some are damned, and others are saved — and there will be no "unity" between them. There will be, in a certain sense, "a sharing" — in existence, intellect, will — but they will not be shared in a united way.
They will be diametrically opposed; because they are. The elect will not be appealing to God for "unity" with the damned; and the damned, as much as their torments will rile them, will not call for "unity" with Heaven.
The next life will be "perfect DISUNITY", something not fully possible in this life — for even the "good guys" still do not operate from pure altruism and love of God. Nonetheless, sufficient judgment is possible to set a foot on that path toward perfect unity — and must be pursued.
Pursuit of perfect unity, however, is impossible in this life, because at least one side wants the other side dead (or shot by an assassin.)
It is a toxic femininity that is always appealing for unity and harmony ("can't we all just get along?") when the foundational premise is a constant state of war.
These aren't personality differences we see unfold in politics (although those certainly exist, as well.) And it matters little in relation to the same picture, if sometimes there are overlapping concerns or interests — such is the nature of politics; and even war, on occasion.
Cries for "unity" from Communist-Democrats originate from a desire to cover over their evil machinations and appear noble. People who kill children and support treason against their own citizens are never noble. Nobility completely escapes them.
Those on the Right, weary from war, and possessing a personality type which isn't willing to admit reality in these circumstances because of the personal cost — are more than happy to entertain such calls for "unity" (much like Charlie Brown was willing to entertain the irrational belief that this time, Lucy would actually let him kick the ball). Not. Gonna. Happen.
But it is wrong for members of the Right to accede to such calls — as though child-killers and those cheering assassination would concur (lamenting over "the miss" — as thousands did on social media). What, exactly, do these people imagine "unity" would look like?
Yes, it might be expedient for Trump to stand up in Milwaukee Thursday night and give the most uplifting speech with calls for "unity" the country has ever heard; but, the audience left to convince that "unity" is a proper course to follow grows smaller each day (although shifting a small audience of voters in a tight race with small margins might be the difference come November, admittedly).
One tell after his speech — which he himself has informed reporters, in exclusive interviews, will be all about unity following the failed assassination — will be how the Marxist media responds.
If he speaks of unity, they can't very well attack that; at least not on its face. But, if they remain true to form, they will attack his motives; calling him an opportunist trying to capitalize on Saturday's events, and thus give voice to their considerable Communist legions who are blinded by their zeal for the overthrow of the Republic. The media will not abandon the base that it has mentored, tutored, encouraged, agitated and inspired with lies and hate for nearly a decade.
Exhibit A — Thomas Matthew Crooks.
Communist-Democrats only want unity to give them sufficient time to re-group — and reload.
Gary Michael Voris holds a graduate degree, Cum Laude, from the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas in Rome. Voris earned multiple awards for 40+ years of news media experience for writing, producing, and investigative work from the Associated Press, Detroit Press Club, Michigan Broadcasters Association, as well as four news Emmys in multiple categories. He graduated from the University of Notre Dame in 1983 with an undergraduate major in Communications and a minor in History.
This is where ideology clouds judgement. No one, at this time, knows the motivation of the assassin, whose name I refuse to repeat so as not to encourage others to follow his bad example. He may have been politically motivated. He may just have wanted fame. Perhaps he was mentally ill. Only God knows that, and He is saying anything yet.
George Wallace converted after he was shot. Let's hope the same for Donald Trump.
JMJ. They’re regrouping. They’re lamenting that they sent a kid to do a man’s job. Vigilance!!!
Yes. Yes. Yes.
And to echo President Trump's first words after taking a bullet to the head: Fight. Fight. Fight.
At this early stage, I can only conclude that this has the Deep-state FBI's fingerprints all over it. They even had a contingency to eliminate their assassin to avoid their complicity being exposed; let him fire his shot(s), and THEN take him out. It reminds me of Jack Ruby or Jeffery Epstein; the same Dem playbook.
Trump MUST hire Elon Musk's security team From. Now. On.
Michael: Big fan. We are on the same page (e.g., <https://criticallythinking.substack.com/p/the-attempted-assasination>). I'm a physicist and practicing Catholic. We should bne working together, so we need to talk!. Email me at <aaprjohn@northnet.org>.