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Discover valuable resources to support your faith and civic engagement  including: information on early voting, Christian evangelization, and pro-life action. We will be updating regularly to help advance the mission of our Action Network. 

Political Action

How to register to vote

Click here to visit

Call to Action

Kamala Harris, as Attorney General of California, seized information from a reporter that exposes Planned Parenthood for selling body parts of aborted babies. That information, discovered by David Daleiden, has since been uncovered, and we are spreading the word ahead of the 2024 election.

We have created business cards with Harris' face on one side and a QR code on the other. The QR leads to this page, with the undercover video evidence of Planned Parenthood's evil and Harris' direct role in covering it up.

We need your help spreading these QR codes across the country in churches, gas stations, restaurants, etc. – wherever left wing and low-information people gather.

Click the button to purchase a box of cards. You can get 100 for only $9.​

Kamala Harris represents the most extreme left wing of a Democrat party already captured by anti-Christian, Marxist elements. Throughout the run-up to the election, Souls and Liberty will be sounding the alarm against her candidacy and arming you with the information you need to take action in the public square to stop the takeover of our republic, and even Western Civilization.



Proclaiming the Gospel in the Public Square (courtesy of St. Paul Street Evangelization)

​How to pray the Patriotic Rosary.

How to host a successful Rosary Rally (courtesy of America Needs Fatima.)

Eucharistic Miracles of the World (courtesy of Servant of God, Carlo Acutis.)


Handouts for evangelizing new Catholics (coming soon.)

How to enthrone your home to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

How to prepare for a Catholic death –+

​Pro-life Action

How to bring Jesus to your local Planned Parenthood or other abortion mill (coming soon).

How to start a Family Planning Center vigil (coming soon).

How to start a Planned Parenthood or other abortion mill monthly rosary Holy hour (coming soon).


Click here to access many suggested books in the S&L store for your self-improvement and faith formation.

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