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Kamala Harris Exposed

Kamala's Legacy


The following information may be disturbing to some viewers.

Share this information far and wide. Warn your family and friends. This election is your decision – for God or for evil. We will be judged. Details on how to share can be found below the videos.

The following information is from the Center for Medical Progress

“This finally-released undercover footage shows that in reality, Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast was ghoulishly eager to rip healthy babies out of vulnerable patients whole and alive, and mutilate their bodies after to sell body parts for top dollar. Kamala Harris, as California Attorney General, raided my (David Daleiden) home and seized this footage to try to block it from release for eight years, on orders from Planned Parenthood and NAF. It’s time for justice under the law for Big Abortion.


... then-California Attorney General Kamala Harris’ office to seize from Daleiden the digital media containing the videos. Two weeks after a March 2016 meeting with top Planned Parenthood California officials implicated in the videos, AG (Kamala) Harris’ office conducted the raid on Daleiden’s home. We have two shocking new undercover videos out today.


Warning, this is some of the most graphic footage CMP has ever published. Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast (Houston, TX) describes delivering late-term babies intact and alive and mutilating the bodies afterwards to cover up violations of the federal partial-birth abortion law, in order to sell fetal body parts for thousands of dollars. "I’m like, ‘Yeah, I have like a leg for you!’ I’m like, oh sh**, if other people were to hear me, they’d be like, ‘You are f***ing evil.’"

David Robert Daleiden is an American anti-abortion activist who worked for Live Action before founding the Irvine, California-based Center for Medical Progress in 2013. Daleiden says he is the "child of a crisis pregnancy" and grew up "culturally Catholic." Watch how his undercover work unfolded in the video below. 


Help Souls and Liberty Action Network warn other Americans of goodwill about the clear and present danger Kamala Harris poses to the life of the unborn. 

We have created business cards with a picture of Harris on one side and a QR code on the other. The QR code leads to this page.


Leave these cards at restaurants, gas stations, your parish, and/or hand them out to friends and neighbors. Let people know the reality of Kamala Harris' baby-killing agenda and her zeal to prosecute those who have done nothing more than expose the truth.


If she is so eager to promote abortion, why does she use the full weight of the law to keep the reality secret? As Souls and Liberty has reported, Kamala Harris has been soft on true crime, but fiercely vicious toward patriots eager to defend life.

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