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Nuestra misión: involucrar, educar y alentar a los cristianos a promover el Reino de Dios en nuestra cultura a través de la oración audaz y la acción fiel.


Given the current enormous assaults in the spiritual, political, and cultural arenas by atheistic, anti-Christ Communism, Souls and Liberty is becoming much more engaged. 


Souls and Liberty will labor in its mission by various means:

promotion of prayer, compelling content, and political action. 


Promotion of Prayer 


No action on the part of the Faithful to promote the Kingdom of Heaven on earth can be successful

without prayer as a first, middle, and last effort. The website will prominently feature the need for this

and the opportunity for the Body of Christ to fully participate. 


Compelling Content 


Souls and Liberty will maintain its history of producing insightful programming and publishing articles

spearheading the authentic Catholic/Christian response to the political and cultural enemies seeking to destroy us. 


We will boldly proclaim the Truth in Love and welcome any who will listen, pray and act. 


We have contracted, or are in discussions, with some familiar names – several from their time with

Saint Michael's Media or Church Militant. 


No provider of content will be involved on the board of directors or governing managerial authority. 


Faithful Citizenship


Followers of Christ are called by Him the “salt of the earth” and the “light of the world.” It is simply a given,

by the Incarnate Eternal Logos, that those who wish to inherit the Kingdom of God in eternity

must be about building it in our temporal times and places.


The Kingdom exists outside of time, but for those of us inside of time, we must be busy with

the work of preparing for His Kingdom.


It is one central point of the Our Father – “Thy kingdom come.” 


For 2,000 years, Christ’s disciples have understood that we are commanded to work for a better world,

which necessitates dual actions – fighting against the kingdom of Satan

while simultaneously advancing the Kingdom of God.


This work is carried out through the particulars of the given time and culture in which Christians find themselves,

and that includes the reality of whatever form of government is prevailing. 

Christians have lived under emperors, kings, tyrants, barons, lords, presidents, parliaments and so forth.


In every circumstance of government, Christ’s disciples must do whatever they are able to do in order

to ensure that the Kingdom of Heaven is more fully realized.


In our current governmental system, this work entails voting; voting for candidates who most closely hew to implementing a political culture allowing for the advance of Christ’s Kingdom.


Justice is a prevailing notion in implementing Christ’s Kingdom because a just society – meaning just laws,

policies and execution – prevents injustice to innocent victims. Keeping the innocent safe

is a hallmark of the Kingdom of Heaven being built on earth by His followers.


So how disciples of Christ vote is paramount, but the work is not confined to just actual voting on election day.

It also entails the work before an election, as well as during the vote casting.


Answering the call for faithful citizenship, Souls and Liberty is engaging in anticipation of the 2024 US Presidential Campaign and seeks to equip members in a wide array of political activities: poll watchers, precinct chairmen, election judges, block walkers, voter registers, campaign volunteers and so forth.


In the end, it’s not really politics; it’s discipleship - for the Kingdom. 

Almas y Libertad

Católico, patriótico, conservador.

Almas y libertad

1415 South Voss Rd.

Ste. 110-553

Houston, Texas 77057

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