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Souls and Liberty Action Network

Our Mission

To engage, educate and encourage Christians to advance the Kingdom of God in our culture by evangelization, prolife activities, prayer, and political action.

National Director's Message

God + 1 = majority. Be the 1!


"I would have never even thought of doing the things I do, like having a digital billboard, without this group!"
– Claudia G., state captain

So far we have:


Placed a billboard of Jesus in Times Square

Honoring Jesus' Sacred Heart during the month of June dates back over 800 years. Thanks to our supporters, the location reminded millions of passersby — native New Yorkers and visitors from around the world — of God’s merciful love.


Started rosary rallies in major cities

Chapters in large cities have succeeded in holding rosary rallies in the public. The most recent one brought out over 50 people in Knoxville, Tennessee; in addition to being livestreamed on YouTube nationally. 


Encouraged early voting

Voting early frees you up to become more politically involved. When you vote early, you can volunteer your time to be a poll watcher.

Martyr of the Month

St. Alexander, Bishop and Martyr

At twenty miles from Rome, on the Claudian way, the martyrdom of St. Alexander, bishop, in the time of the emperor Antoninus. For the faith of Christ he was loaded with fetters, scourged, tortured, burned with torches, torn with iron hooks, exposed to the beasts and cast into the flames, but having overcome all these torments, he was finally beheaded, and so attained the glory of eternal life. His body was afterwards carried into the city by the blessed Pope Damasus, on the 26th of November, on which day his feast is to be celebrated by order of the same Pontiff.

Learn More


Action of the Month

Purchase and distribute Kamala Kards, exposing the extreme position she holds on abortion and prosecution.​​​​


In addition, you can still select from the following:

  • One hour a week that you can do alone (Adoration) and/or ...​​

  • One hour a week to do with a friend (pray in front of an abortion mill) and/or ...​​

  • One hour a week to with your team/chapter (e.g., help your priest clean a cemetery.)

Join Us!

Please take a moment to complete this form and we will be in touch!

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Help us provide you and others with support and resources to resist and reverse the evil that has infiltrated our churches and culture by donating today (monthly recurring, if you can.)

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